Riggin' -- Ideal Smallmouth Set Up


Apr 19, 2007

I'm relying on the assumption that any conversation that involves gear usually gets people talking, and I'm curious to hear what folks are packing when they go after Smallmouth. I have three variants am am curious to hear if others have made similar choices.

River Set-up:

Rod: Sage Fli 8 weight (amazing action - and moderately priced)
Reel: Redington CD (inexpensive and amazing cork drag)
Line: Sci Angler Bass Taper Floating
Leader: Usually very long:

8 feet of commercial 8lb test made for spin/bait casting.

5 feet of good f-carbon -- Scientific Angler makes a nice 2x or 3x bass tippet.

Lake Set Up:

Same rod and reel as above

Line: 8wt Rio's Clouser Taper -- very heavy tip -- floating. -- I also bring a spool of intermediate sinking line for streamers near big drop offs.

Leader: Again, longish. 10 feet of the cheesy mono mentioned above -- ready for this -- tinted green. Two feet of f-carbon tippet 2x or 3x.

Larger Stream Set Up:

Rod: 6 weight TFO Professional (this rod has very nice action)
Reel: Anything will do I use everything from an old Orvis Clearwater to a Battenkill Bar Stock.

Line: Cortland Bass Taper, Floating.

Leader: 4x - 5x Sci Angler

I like the bigger guns for lakes and rivers, because you never know what might grab your line -- I caught my fist pike (by mistake) on Chambers Lake in Wagontown. -- I was glad I had an 8 weight.

Lake Smallmouth Flies: Big nymphs -- and sometimes small ones -- Caddis work. Glo-bugs. I twitch these little guys slowly and have had amazing luck this summer. Wooly Buggers. Giant Hoppers. Deer Hair Divers.

Rivers: Hellgramite imitations (incredibly effective). Caddis Nymphs. Big Hoppers. Very buggy stoneflies.

Streams: Nymphs. Big Dries (I like green drakes). Hellgramites.

Do others take similar or radically different approaches?
For rivers (Schuylkill, Perkiomen) I use a Orvis T-3 8 wt tip flex with sci anglers bas bug tapper on a orvis mid arbor reel I also keep a exra spool with Orvis streamer /striper sink tip line. Leader I use Clouser's formula .I use this for all big water lakes and ponds

For big streams (Brandywine) I use a orvis T-3 6 wt tip flex with a orvis large arbor reel with orvis wonderline wf trout and a extra spool of Orvis streamer striper sink tip line Leader is the same Clouser's formula

Small streams I use a Orvis 7'9 5wt troutbum full flex rod with a Orvis battenkill barstock reel with orvis wonderline wf trout . leader would be 9ft 3 x

Like Lefty says to catch big fish you got to give them the breakfast so the smallest thing I chuck is a size 6 with the average being a size 4 and anything over 2 and a half feet of water I whip out the sink tip.......... :lol:
I've used all sizes of line, rods, leaders (sometimes 6") I've caught millions of bass in 35 years, adding together largemouth, smallmouth, white, rock, and striped. I've narrowed it down to a bead headed style of muddler minnow to sink under the water and a black popper for the top, and a clouser for the ocean. Strip it and twitch it just right and it rarely fails me.
Paul G & I fished the Connodoguinett during the hex hatch. For that, I usually used a 9' 6wt that I built on a Pac Bay blank. I put a full wells grip and a fighting butt on it. That helped horse in the bigger bass quickly, since I could put a lot of pressure on the fish.

I used a Rio line with a bass taper. The fly was pretty bushy and difficult to cast on anything less. I used a 7' leader. The bass weren't line shy but you did have to cast a good distance.

Sadly, the Connie has crashed along with the rest of the Susquehanna and we haven't had good fishing for years now.

For the Susquehanna, I had the St Croix Legend Ultra that Bob Clouser designed. Along with that, I had Bob Clouser's Rio Line (floating). Anyone who is interested in an 8wt should try that rod. It has an action that is really unique and very easy to cast.
Pad I would of probally bought the ST CROIX if I would of known about it before I bought the T-3 but i'm definitley impressed with the T-3 so no complaints except for the dent it put in my wallet :-D
Since I generally fish the Wissahickon. I use a 8 1/2 ft 4 pc 5 wgt I built on a Cabela's blank. The biggest bass I've run into there was a shade under 17 inches, but on average they're in the 8-10 inch range. Even if I fish a bigger river like the Schuylkill or Susquehanna, or lake, I use a 9 ft 6 wgt. I didn't even get my 8 wgt wet on my trip to Ontario in July, used the 6 wgt exclusively. Ending up hooking and landing more pike than bass on it. I have floating and intermediate sinking for the 5 wgt, and floating, intermediate and full sinking for the 6 wgt.
Personal preference, I just think an 8 wgt is overkill for smallies in this area. I hear the arguements that you need the heavier rod for large flies. Given the abundance of light weight materials, and tying styles available it's quite easy to tie a large fly that can be cast for a 6 wgt. I think the picture is attached. This is what I used all week in Ontario.