Ridley SpecReg closed for hunting



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Yesterday was a nice warmish day so I headed over to the Ridley State Park FFO area, and found it closed for general use and fishing. There were a good number of orange wearing hunters around. The Park culls the deers every year and yesterday was one of those days. It will also be shut next Thursday 9Dec.
Yep, and the shotgun hunt they have there every year is a joke! I've been bow hunting that park for 19 years now. Originally it was set up to bring the deer population down to a sustainable number.

Well, they achieved that goal quite a few years ago. I do mean years ago! Yet they continue that hunt!. I used to go in there expecting to see deer on each hunt, and I did. Killed some nice bucks too! Now, I'll sit for hours on end during the rut, the most active time of year for a buck, and see absolutely nothing at all! Not even the occasional doe browsing. I've hunted roughly 60 hours this season and seen exactly 3 deer. This will be my last year!

You have to know they are aware of the lack of deer, per the records they must keep of hunt results over the years. Numbers don't lie. But, for whatever reason they continue with the two day shot gun hunt each year. It's a crime what they've done to the deer population in Ridley.

Whoever is in charge of that park ought to be ashamed of themselves!!!!!!