Reward for Being Responsible with Angler and Boater $



Mar 13, 2010
And politicians wonder why they are disliked...
Actually they don't wonder, or care.
They just want to keep power, exercise that power, and punish those that disrupt their "kingdom".

Sorry to hear about this....
I implore you to call these reps-

No wonder we are going broke- these guys have 3 or 4 offices and staffs. Please spare me. I called each of them and you could tell some of them could not wait till I was of the phone (I was polite and said please and thank you etc...

Call these guys offices- if 9 more people called I guarantee it will make a difference. These guys bank on voter apathy.

Last week Rep. Keith Gillespie, R-York, majority chairman of the House Game and Fisheries Committee, said some of his colleagues were “livid.” Thursday’s proposal to limit the director’s term to eight years, without mentioning Arway by name, was filed not in the House, but by senators who had already voted in Fish and Boat’s favor. Arway will have served eight years at the end of March, 2018.

“The problem doesn’t go away if John Arway goes away,” he said. “There are still fiscal issues to be resolved.”

The Senate Game and Fisheries Committee will meet Monday to consider the bill. Committee chairs Sen. Patrick Stefano (R-Fayette) and Sen. James Brewster (D-Allegheny) did not immediately return calls for comment.
I know up here in Erie I will be writing in my name for state Rep as the incumbent is unopposed. He has done little to help Erie out during his past terms in office. He does not even reply to the past letters I have wrote him. He does not care just give him the money.

I have been a supporter of you from the beginning. Thank you for voicing your passion; "Fish".
Emailed Rep Gillespie a month ago. Same day we had a phone conversation. He will at least listen. Going to email and call him again.i don’t live in his district and told him that up front. I did email the Rep in my district. Twice. She has of yet to have the courtesy to answer me. Bummer.

I too encourage all to email or call their Reps. I’m going to email my senator and ask him what’s up with this new no good news.
CRB: If you're in the city or Millcreek, you're almost certainly in Dan Laughlin's Senate district. Laughlin is on the Senate Game & Fish Committee where this juvenile, vindictive behavior towards John is apparently coming from (although I am unclear as to whether Laughlin himself is party to it...)

Even though I'm not in Laughlin's district (I'm far enough south of the city..), I wrote him a couple hours ago in support of John.

I'm unclear when it became unacceptable for an agency head to go to the mat for his people and their mission as well as for all of us served by this mission, but evidently there are some people with easily bruised egos on the Senate Game & Fisheries Committee.

John is the best Executive Director since Ralph Abele forty-plus years ago and a credit to the Commission. We need to stand with him on this. It (IMO) reeks of cheap vindictiveness.
I haven't read the link, but I heard that the solution to Fishtale's challenge is to eliminate him. I hope this doesn't happen, but I would suggest to all that politics is 99 percent diplomacy and 1 percent truth.
I don't think it's right for a group of politicians to force Mr. Arway out of a position he's served well.
>>I haven't read the link, but I heard that the solution to Fishtale's challenge is to eliminate him. I hope this doesn't happen, but I would suggest to all that politics is 99 percent diplomacy and 1 percent truth.>>

That may well be so, Jack. All the same, slightly diverting from the original thread topic momentarily, I wonder if it may be time for Pennsylvania to consider doing away with its full time legislature and going to a part-time arrangement. I'd be inclined to believe we'd end up with less entrenched dime store royalty with perpetual incumbency and perhaps more legislators actually interested in serving the public interest if we did this.

The non-fulltime system seems to work pretty well in 40 of the other 49 states. I see no reason why it couldn't work in PA..

But the instant concern is, of course, to support John Arway and the well being of the Commission, IMO at any rate.

Here's a useful link to find your own state senator and representative

Is it useful to directly also communicate with senators and reps from districts different than one's residence? I suppose those who have cabins or camps in counties other than their primary residences could double their impact by writing/EMailing/calling those politicians, too.

Letters to the editor of your local newspapers should have some impact, and I wonder if businesses that have an interest in the outdoors could be brought into this series of issues. I'll check to see if TU could weigh in, as might other national and local groups. There are plenty of fishing and outdoors clubs as well that could be useful resources and distribution.
John, how dare you threaten to tell the public how these politicians voted. I am shocked and appalled that anyone would stoop to such lows.
SB 932 passes PA Senate 34 to 16 Sets term limits for PFBC Director.
Scarnati- enemy #1
I'm puzzled as to why Pa has a separate Fish Commission, Game Commission and a Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources.
A single State Dept should be able to operate all with better efficiency, less bureaucracy and less political "red tape".
>>I'm puzzled as to why Pa has a separate Fish Commission, Game Commission and a Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources.
A single State Dept should be able to operate all with better efficiency, less bureaucracy and less political "red tape". >>

You may have not spent enough time studying the ways and habits of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Both Commissions, if they are to make resource-based rather than politically-based policy decisions have always needed some amount of insulation from the PA Legislature.

A particularly ironic question to ask given the present situation, I might add.

Same ole' PA.
Somehow in NY, they found away to drastically reduce the price of recreational licenses without impacting services and product. THis was done when the Governor took the lead and sold it as an economic stimulus.
They'll put a term limit on that, but def not their own positions.
SteveG wrote:
They'll put a term limit on that, but def not their own positions.

LOA! very true and even pass a budget on time, and then fund it in a timely matter ll of them need to replaced. Why do something when it is not broken? =Too many waves in the pool.
Even better way to get the sportsmen stirred up and hide a funding program.
From all I've ever known or read about my opinion of Mr. Arway has always been high. I feel he truly has a lot of knowledge, care, and respect for our state's waterways and his position. I'd hate to see a stupid squabble create a term limit just to get him out of the way when he is in the right..