Reviving a disk drag


Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
I have an older reel, not expensive to begin with that has a disk drag. The last few times I've been out, the drag seems worthless. It isn't freespooling, just not putting up much resistence when cranked all the way up. Can this be revived by cleaning or oil/greasing? Or is the reel a goner for all practical purposes?
depending on whose reel it is, some need to be dry and some should be oiled...what make and model Jack??
It could have a disc washer for the drag. If it was put away for a while the disc could have flatten out.

That is a common problem with the Okumas arfter a while or after a few big fish pull some line through the guides.

Let's see. Made in China, designed by AbuGarcia in Sweden it is named "Diplomat 356."

Knowing you, it must be a cheap reel...just buy a new one :-D


Here’s a link to the schematic for your reel. The closest model is the Diplomat 256. Probably the same design, just a different size. The spring between the drag washers is likely compressed. Take it apart and see. Try to stretch the spring to get more tension. The exploded diagram will help you put it back together. You can order new parts, with this link, if you think the reel is worth fixing.

Paul’s right, a “reel” cheapie. Not you Jack, you’re precious - just your reel is cheap. Hope this helps.

p.s. Back off the drag tension when you're done fishin' - especially with cheap disk drag reels.
afishiando, thanks. That schematic looks to be exactly what I need to look into the matter. I'll let you know how it turns out. Some day I may find that the quality of my fishing equipment is a higher priority than other things that soak up my income, but until that day comes, I will remain a consumate cheapskate with my equipment. My son knows me as the "Master of the Jimmyrig" and my secretary wants me to write a book about all the workarounds I've developed over the years. I like the idea and plan to call it "1001 Ways To Skin A Cat."

Your post with your line-up of custom-made rods reminded me, how did you make out with your reel? Did you customize that too?
Actually, I used the schematic to disassemble the reel and reassemble it after stretching and tweeking everything I could that appeared to add tension to the drag mechanism. It seemed to help a bit, but I cannot say I totally "revived" it. I have a feeling I'm going to pay dearly if I get a steelhead on this winter. Palming a steelhead run sounds like it could be dangerous.