returning fish to same pool



May 11, 2008
I caught some wild brownies today at a tight spot where it was impossible to return them to the same pool without tossing them a few I slid them downstream behind me :-( How much damage does that do to the stream ecosystem? Should I not do that anymore? Is it better to give them a one way flight ticket to their home pool?
Unless it was over a four foot waterfal the trout will likely go back to where you caught them....unless they move which they do often if they are not the pool boss.
Don't worry about it. Trout can move up and down the stream.
I agree with mo and bert as long as they were in good shape and took off ok , no worry. I move brookies from downstream up all the time , sometimes we notch (little notch) a pectoral fin just so we can tell if it was one we moved and they do just fine. This morning was pretty good conditions with the water a little high and slightly off color , how many did you catch?