requesting help-best way to save/reference a thread

I just "added to favorites" when I was on this thread and by clicking it, was returned to this page. The url in your address line refers to the specific thread by a thread # which does not change, ever.

As a moderator, I remain logged in longer than other posters, but I think this will work. If not, copy the address line to a text file and copy and paste from the text file.

If I need to speak in a more basic manner, let me know.
By the way, after a few days, I will move this to the Site and Forum Comments forum, which is a better place for it to be archived.
... adding on what jack said for those that may read this in the future...

in your bookmarks or favorites, make specific folders. I have a Fly Fishing folder that has many subfolders such as purchases, threads, potential gear, etc.
At the risk of being old-fashioned, print it out :-D Or print it to a PDF file.

The number of times that software developers upgrade programs and break backwards compatibility is great. I have bookmarked threads from PAFlyfish that are gone, eaten by the Xoops code mongers somewhere along the line.

I fear that future archaeologists will have a hard time deciphering our culture, with the bits and the bytes that disappear as technologies and programs become antiquated..