Repurpose a Cicada fly???



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa I have a few Cicada's that I tied up....and I won't need them for another 18 years I think?

I was considering trimming down the black foam bodies and perhaps tying in some Marabou for a tail. Maybe some turkey feathers and make it look like a hopper? Don't know what to do with the Crystal Flash wings other than cut 'em off.

Any ideas you have would be of great help!!

I still have my cicadas from the Brood X emergence 17 years ago that was a waste of time for me like this past one…

However, fish don’t know there won’t be another Brood X emergence for 17 years, so I used them since for bass & panfish (they work just fine) and as a reminder that if I am around in 18 years from now to NOT believe all of the hype about the next Cicada emergence… ;-)
Interesting. This last hatch was some of the most thrilling dry fly fishing in 20 years for me. Sight fishing to rising carp 5 to 20 lbs all day long, over 3 weeks time, was unbelievable. I hope the 2024 hatch in Central PA will be just as good.
Those Cicadas look like they would be great Bass Bugs as-is.
The cicadas will be on central PA streams in 2025 - only 3.5 years from now.

They don't go bad.
Why not keep them?

I still have plenty from the last big emergence in 2008, that I used last June in south central PA.
Two different broods

And I fished a third brood in western PA just a few years ago

Just keep them as others have suggested.

However, in many places in NJ and the Lehigh Valley cicadas are disappearing at an alarming rate. A few wooded hills near me still had the billions of cicadas as usual, but in most neighborhoods they are gone.
cicadas sporadically hatch every summer just not in the huge numbers when a giant brood goes off. bass and other fish will eat them. if you can hear cicadas, why not? Nothing more fun that top water.
Well, you have talked me into keeping them. I'll give 'em a try when the circumstances seem to be right. Ya just never know!!
Fortunately my cicadas were repurposed October caddis, because I never saw any cicadas.
Perhaps you could go the other direction?
I plan to plop a few on the water anyway this summer and see if the fish have good memory. The hardest part about the emergence for me was finding them on water. I had hoped to chase carp with them, so tied most on big hooks. I found a great stillwater where the panfish were all over them. Had I used a smaller hook I would have caught 100 bluegill. Instead I only caught the fat or overly aggressive ones and several decent largemouth. Once I found them on a limestone creek, I had some amazing trout action. In fact it was the only "good" dry fly hatch I fished last year. Keep 'em. They already look very hoppery.
Mine, fortunately I only tied four, are going be added to my bass box. As already mentioned, most wooded streams in the area have a hatch of the annual cicada. I know the Wissahickon has them and they do end up in the water. I caught my best smallmouth out of the Wissahickon using one I had tied up for the previous 17 year hatch. The only reason I knew the bass was there. The day before I had been fishing the area, and one of the annuals had crashed and burned and floated by me. About 30 feet downstream it disappeared in a huge swirl.