reply issue.



Active member
Dec 29, 2006
It seems for me that all I can view when I open a thread is the initial posts. Any reply after the initial just shows the posters name and the title of the post. I can view the replies, but only if I click on them and never had this issue before.
Any thoughts on solutions?
Okay, thats freakin weird. As soon as I posted this, my viewing went back to normal.
Beg your pardons.
It has happened to me before, so you are not crazy. I had to clear my cookies and cache and it fixed it.
Directly above the body text of the post is a dropdown menu that says VIEW MODE. When it is in THREADED mode all you see is the title and posters name. Toggle it back to FLAT and you see all posts in full.

Here is a good one....if you don't like to look at the avatars you can choose COMPACT. You still see all the post content just no AVATARS.

Sometimes it switches on its own, and changing it doesn't fix it.

Here's my theory:

It has only happened after I got to PAFF via a google search for an old thread. When I load the page, it's loaded as squaretail described. At that point, I think the cookie gets corrupted somehow. Changing settings doesn't do anything at all.

Google crawls forums like this, and most likely ends up crawling through links to individual posts. These individual posts get indexed, and for whatever reason, are displayed like that.
My experience in having this happen for the first time recently was much like Jay's except when I changed the view to flat it did restore the proper view. Could be a change of view and a log out/log in has to occur, but I didn't test that theory.
Well now I have to log in to see all.
Threaded, compact, and newest first are the only options under "view mode".
Ah ha.. once I logged out and clicked on "view mode" the flat option was available and seemed to do the trick. Thanks Mo.
Just FYI. I discovered if you Google a subject and a PAFF thread comes up, when you open it through Google it messes up all your settings, font, etc. As stated changing settings in the view mode will fix it.
Whatever mode you are will not show in the choices Dan. So if its threaded and compact then you are in FLAT mode.

Its a three choice toggle.