Replacing Guides



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I have a bamboo rod that I am going to turn into a steelhead rod. I want to replace the guides. How does on go about determining the correct size to use ?

Not sure if it's any different for 'boo, but I'd imagine not.
Bruno wrote:
I have a bamboo rod that I am going to turn into a steelhead rod. I want to replace the guides. How does on go about determining the correct size to use ?


Attached link is a guide spacing & size chart, based on the length and weight of your rod.

Note: the second #'s on the chart - 1/0, 1,2,3, etc. is the guide size (the larger the #, the larger the guide) & the stripper guide size 10mm,12mm, etc.

thanks guys - that is what i was looking for.
Bruno, What line wt and lenght. If you are going to turn it into a steelhead rod you may want to oversize the guides or at least the stripper. That being said I take it you not not want to restore the rod. However, please don't use Expoy use varnish.

Joe E
I agree with JoeE, larger guides also makes it easier to break off the ice. I usually use 2s from stripper to tip for 7 or 8 wt steelhead rod.
I agree with JoeE. One other thought is to use silk thread instead of nylon if you want to keep it classic and get the best look. When well wrapped and finished with varnish the wraps look like they were poured on to the rod!
When it comes to guide sizing, I always get the line down to the smallest guide that I will be using and run that all the way to the tip. No sense in adding weight when it is not needed. For example:
16strip, 12strip, 4,3,2,2,2,2,2 .
JoeE wrote:
Bruno, What line wt and lenght. If you are going to turn it into a steelhead rod you may want to oversize the guides or at least the stripper. That being said I take it you not not want to restore the rod. However, please don't use Expoy use varnish.

Joe E

It really does not need restored at all. I could fish it tomorrow. I am more concerned with the larger diameter of modern lines and ice. I am thinking bigger guides will ease the situation.