Replacement net



Jun 9, 2007
I bought one of those rubber Brodin replacement nets. I had holes in the old one from catching branches not netting fish. It was old. The net was easy to put in the old frame. Had to do it twice I ended up with too much net left over. It's easy to distribute the slack evenly if it's sized right. Only problem is aesthetic. Being stiff the net sticks straight out from the frame. So if your on the WB first week of may and you see a dork who looks like he has a motorcycle helmet on his back it's probably me.
I actually just saw a post on Facebook from Brodin about a new net bag they are releasing. The rubber is made of a different material that isn't as stiff. They say it's the same stuff used for nipples on baby bottles. It will not deteriorate or yellow over time like most nets do.
Story of my life. I buy something, they come out with the new improved. they had the Chutspah to send me a email telling me about the new improved.