Removal of protection to wetlands



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Article linked about relaxing of rules to protect wetlands, streams and rivers >
Sad! Nothing like take steps backwards. SMH...
“This is a big win for farmers, and this is the president delivering what he promised,”

Puh-lease! This is not for farmers, it's for big agra suppliers (looking at you, Monsanto). Farmers amy benefit a little, but Roundup sprayed liberally over huge fields of crops will net billions for Monsanto and others who were hamstrung by clean waters legislation. Apparently, clean water and healthy ecosystems are for chumps.

Also: "The new water rule will remove federal protections from more than half the nation’s wetlands, and hundreds of thousands of small waterways. That would for the first time in decades allow landowners and property developers to dump pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers directly into many of those waterways, and to destroy or fill in wetlands for construction projects."

This is clearly a handout to Trumps golf course and real estate developer pals. We need a new POTUS and that can't happen soon enough.
Linked is another article concerning the rescinding of protections by the EPA from TU >
We are no better than Rome. We know we are poisoning ourselves, but are too obnoxious to care.
Its funny. One of the biggest proponents of rolling back the regulations and biggest beneficiaries of the loosening of regulations will be real estate developers. hhmmmm Go ahead. Look it up.
Florida Swamp for sale ,again. Natures filter paved and built on. Nice. Alexandre Dumas. GG
As history has shown us again and again, regulations are relaxed (or don't exist), private companies pollute, and the public is left holding the bag for extensive clean-up in the end.

Privatize and maximize the profits, and let the government and the public pay for the remediation.

Private profits, and we pay to fix the damage.