Reminder: Comments due to PFBC on Penns Creek Section 3



Mar 13, 2010
Just a reminder to all who haven’t commented yet. Although these decisions should not be based on popular vote but on the quality of the science, I can assure you that the number of votes count especially when politicians come knocking when someone complains to them about the PFBC’s Board action. Here are my comments so feel free to cut and paste if you wish.

As an angler who fishes Section 3 of Penns Creek, I fully support this regulation which would allow for the use of all tackle types and harvest of up to two trout per day that are at least seven inches but less than 12 inches in length from the opening day of trout season through Labor Day. No harvest would be permitted for the remainder of the year.”

Just go to the following link and encourage other anglers to do the same. Thanks from the trout!

What are the current regs on Penns, section 3? What you propose sounds good to me.
These regs have been in place since 2014. Set to expire this year unless Commission takes final action. Fact is that not many anglers keeping 7 to 12 inchers. Biologists surveys show that more fish recruiting up into larger size classes. This has more to do with dealing with public perception rather than reality.
The link to find this ruling as well as other rulings open for public comment is here :
It might good to say where Section 3 is located.
Section 03, extends for 7.0 miles from the confluence with Elk Creek in Coburn, Pennsylvania downstream to 600 meters downstream of the confluence with Swift Run.
Ill do it but i am left wondering why after the whole Po comment fiasco.
Thanks Fishtales for reminding us about this.
FishTales wrote:
These regs have been in place since 2014. Set to expire this year unless Commission takes final action. Fact is that not many anglers keeping 7 to 12 inchers. Biologists surveys show that more fish recruiting up into larger size classes. This has more to do with dealing with public perception rather than reality.

You hit the nail on the head about perception. I think this is where "we anglers" need to do a better job of promoting results from PAFBC surveys. I think it has a lot to do with our constant obsession with not "spot burning", so we're reluctant to share information on streams. Even to the point that people don't share something like scientific proof that slot limits result in bigger fish.

This site is one of the last bastions of good information and an exception to that rule. I hope all the wild trout enthusiasts here comment in favor of keeping the regs on Section 3.