


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Ok I know there are a lot of reels out there and just as many opinions . here is what I have I have a St. Croix 7` 6" 4# and a Cortland rimfly with new line and backing . This set I traded a powderhorn I made . Now I also have an 8 foot 5# custom made rod that I traded for a powderhorn and bag it is on a sage blank( I take it they are good )MF action .. looking for A reel or reels for this rod and maybe another rod and reel don't think I will use the ST Croix just something I don`t like about it , any suggestions on which reels to look at the show in Lancaster ?
Sage are the best fly rods in my opinion, but I've been called a Sage snob. What blank is it? It will say after the word "Sage" on the blank. Being a 580 medium fast, it wouldn't surprise me if it's a DS2.

As for reels, I don't know your price range. I prefer Galvan reels, as they are made by a family company, in house, in CA. I'm going to give Hatch a close look if/when I need a new reel.

My suggestion would be to narrow your search by recommendations here. Research said suggestions yourself online. Find dealers for the reels that interest you, take your fly rod to said shops, and test fit a couple reels.
^ Don't know why the text didn't show up.
Depends how much you want to spend. I'm guessing not a ton of $ for the St. Croix and I don't know if Allen will be at the show or not but I'd stop by their stand if they are.
WOW you do know Sage rods you hit it on the nail .. my budget for a reel will be around 250 .. I can go more but need some other stuff also
Lamson litespeed

I guess they changed them up this year and I've seen last years leftovers going for about $100 off. Sierra trading post has them priced about the same with shipping. Not sure what sizes they have left.
thanks will take a look
eseabee1 wrote:
WOW you do know Sage rods you hit it on the nail ..

Thanks. The DS2 is a great rod. The first fly rod I bought was 580-2 DS2. It has caught countless numbers of fish over the years. It has also taught fly fishing to at least 4 different people, who all caught their first fish on flies using that rod.

This would be my recommendation on a reel.

Either the R4 or R5, which is going to preference on your part. The R4 could be spooled with both 4wt and 5wt line (with a spare spool) and switched between rods.

Yellow Breeches in Boiling Springs is listed as a Galvan dealer.
I'm an Orvis fan and they have a lot of reels at your budget and below.

Meanwhile, Sage has a new reel, the 2200, starting at $139 that looks good.

Cabelas Sage


It's possible Sage will have a booth at the Lancaster show.

Rod and reel balance are impt to some guys. Here's an old thread on the subject:

Is Your Butt To Heavy?
With a budget of $250, you've got a bunch to choose from. In all honesty, for 90% of PA trout fishing, a clicker reel is all you need.

There's a Sage on STP for cheap, Redington Drift is $100 or maybe find an old Hardy Marquis.

If you opt for a reel with drag, you'll have them in cast or machined options. Again, STP has Lamson Velocity, Litespeed and Redington Rise at discount. I believe that SA has a system 4 out and that fits into your price budget. Sage has a 2200 model that might be worth a look. Ross CLA might also fit you need. If you are going to 'go yard', why not a Galvan Torque, Hatch or Abel? Won't help you catch fish but will make other anglers go 'oooh' when you get it out of the case but they are far from necessary.

Don't get caught up in the label on the rod or the marketing hype. You don't want to be the tool that shows up on a brookie stream with a Sage One paired with an Abel unless you have more money to waste than you have brains. That's like hunting squirrels with a 458 Win Mag. LOL
Thanks again to all I should add that I will not just be fishing PA , I will be going to West Virginia , Wyoming, And South Dakota and some other mid western states , figure I have the time why not ..
As other posters have said there plenty of great reels out there for your budget.
Allen will be at the Lancaster show.

You know my buddy Josh. Do you know Mr Almack ?