Reel Seat



Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
Anyone ever replace a reel seat before and if so any tips?
I hold then reel seat over a steaming pot of water, that usually loosens the glue and it will slip off. gotta be careful not to loosen the glue holding the cork, unless you want to replace that as well. once it's off, clean the blank of all the old glue. then you'll usually need to shim the blank with something to get it closer to the ID of the reelseat, I use masking tape, wrapping it on each end and in the middle where the real seat will go. use enough to ensure a good fit, but not so tight all the glue will squeeze out. then mix up some epoxy and apply liberally to the blank and also a bit inside the seat. I like to roughen up the inside of the seat if it looks too smooth. slide everything on, make sure it's all lined up, and use some masking tape to hold everything in place. let it sit for 24 hours and go fishing!

I'm tempted to try this, I've got a sliding cork band seat on a rod that gives me fits.
bikerfish wrote:
I hold then reel seat over a steaming pot of water, that usually loosens the glue and it will slip off. gotta be careful not to loosen the glue holding the cork, unless you want to replace that as well. once it's off, clean the blank of all the old glue. then you'll usually need to shim the blank with something to get it closer to the ID of the reelseat, I use masking tape, wrapping it on each end and in the middle where the real seat will go. use enough to ensure a good fit, but not so tight all the glue will squeeze out. then mix up some epoxy and apply liberally to the blank and also a bit inside the seat. I like to roughen up the inside of the seat if it looks too smooth. slide everything on, make sure it's all lined up, and use some masking tape to hold everything in place. let it sit for 24 hours and go fishing!

Thanks, gonna try that this winter. Somehow the seat took in water and ruined the finish.