Reel bags



Well-known member
Oct 17, 2007
Crown Royal bags ,recycle into reel bags.
alrighty then, I guess I'll have to drink a bottle in vacation next week, so as to protect my investment:)
Team bourbon thanks you for this observation!
Well you are lucky because you have those big honking FL saltwater reels requiring liter sized bags. A pint bottle bag engulfs even my 3wt reel. LOL.
They work for spinning reels and even have a 30 International in one.Put my 2 wt in one and folded it ove and back in the box, no problem.just make sure the line and backing are dry.When you pull out a bag from your gear bag guys figure that you brought a little sippin
It's not as cool, but those left-over single socks make good reel bags.
I wrap mine in old socks and then put then in a stuff sack from an old hiking water filtration that they decided to stop making filters for.
thanks for bringing this up
Phyllis Diller , Nancy Reagan , Grace Slick......uh oh i thought it said real bags.
Good one Osprey.Some of those mentioned are now 2
I like the sock idea for a reel bag. I have plenty of old socks that the "dryer monster" has eaten up one out of the pair. I was going to shell out some bucks for a few reel cases but I'm going to try the old sock idea and see how it works.
Plus if you keep the reel in the sock you can beat on people a la Full Metal Jacket.
ant wrote:
Plus if you keep the reel in the sock you can beat on people a la Full Metal Jacket.

Git some, git some.... :lol:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
ant wrote:
Plus if you keep the reel in the sock you can beat on people a la Full Metal Jacket.
Git some, git some.... :lol:

"How can you fish for chubs, and fallfish?"
Its easy!
You just don't set the hook as hard!
lol I haven't seen that movie in ages. I might have to go to Blockbuster before they go out of business.
Here is a nice photo of the CR bags being put to use.
I just got a bottle for my 50th. The bag went over my reel before the bottle was opened.