Red Quill vs Quill Gordon



Jan 29, 2008
Is the only difference between these two flies the body material? I am tying up some early season dries and from what I can find online it just seems to be a difference between a peacock quill and a brown hackle stem. I have seen some recipes that call for grizzly hackle instead of dun hackle. I guess it might make sense to have some of both in the fly box.
there isnt much difference in the materials of the 2 flies but they are two seperate flies. if i remember correctly the red quill is the male to the hendrickson which is the female. they are around a size 14. i use red/ rusty dubbing for the red quill.
the quill gordon is a seperate species to the red quill. the quill gordon is generally bigger (size 12) than the hendrickson. / red quill.
in general, alot of streams have both species, but there are some stream that have one or the other. if you are on a stream where the trout are picky, you would want the right pattern. (penns, fishing creek, etc.)
i think i have this right. if i have anything worng let me know.
Yes - they're pretty much the same, other than body color -
gray wings, dun hackle, and gray tails on #14 hook
I gave up using stripped peacock quill and hackle stems for bodies long ago, however. A pain in the a$$ to tie with, and very fragile. Usually starts unraveling after catching a few fish.
I use rusty red dubbing for the red quill, and tannish gray dubbing for the quill gordon.
I have come across a lot more hendricksons than quill gordons, but I do carry both