red faced memories



Active member
Jul 2, 2007
Mine was back in the mid-eighties at one of the hottest access areas on the Missouri river-beaver creek.Getting a lot of press at the time-place to be in the mid Sept. to Thanksgiving ,big browns coming out of the lake about a mile down river.I fished it a great deal and would take a weeks vacation to do so.
It was about a 15 mile drive in on dirt roads but so good right at the access point the bait fishermen would flock in to fish the hot pre-dawn- late afternoon times .Mid day the beach was empty..Everyone knew better than to waste their time.
I never fished there but would walk about a mile upriver and have it to myself. Then I would return to parking area and nap and kill time until late afternoon. One day I was killing time when a van pulled in.Guide from Livingston and two dudes from Pa.. the guide had never fished there before but his clients had read about it in flyfishing mag. and wanted to try it.We got to talking and since I was from Delaware and they were nice guys told them about good places upriver..they were going to hit them when sun went behind mountain[still have 3 hours of daylight].That meant about 3hr. wait until moving out.
Guide got restless,put on waders,rigged up and went down to beach to fish.Walked out a few feet and on about fifth or sixth cast-FISH ON.Turned out to be a six pounder. He came in put his stuff away and relaxed. He knew that truly was a once in a lifetime experience-my last advice giving.still laughing about it 35 years later.

found out later guide KNEW what he was doing-old guide trick window in mid day when often for a few minutes fish and deer would stir...okay,that's what they were paying for.SOMEONE who knew what they were talking about.Very little chance the clients would have caught anything.He gamble and won-ten feet tall.
