Recommended tandem streamers for Lehigh River



Active member
Mar 28, 2013
If no hatches are taking place, I generally throw streamers on the Lehigh River. Most of the streamers I use are large beadhead wooly buggers and conehead slumpbusters, both in olive and black. I generally always fish the Lehigh below Sandy Run and above the Pohopoco. Can any Lehigh regulars recommend some streamer types. I'm especially interested in some of the larger tandem streamers. Any/all advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Kens Copper Head. Lost a monster (22+) on one this evening. It is not an articulated, but the Lehigh trout seem to love this pattern. If I am tossing articulated, I am using muppet babies.
SBecker wrote:
Kens Copper Head. Lost a monster (22+) on one this evening. It is not an articulated, but the Lehigh trout seem to love this pattern. If I am tossing articulated, I am using muppet babies.

They might think it looks like a golden stone...maybe. Black always works because of the hellgrammites, and all sizes of grey and brown marabou streamers work well, not really much more than lashing a gob of marabou to a streamer hook. Pulse the marabou at the head of pools.
Ill second kens copper for the lehigh
I can't offer any advise for the Lehigh, but in general for streamer fishing I have some ideas. Nothing imitates life, like motion. Articulated streamers have this built into them. I'm not sure they have to be 7" long, but the motion is important. Also just like fishing a stick bait like a tiny torpedo, or a zara spook, you want to move the bait, without m-o-v-I-n-g, the bait. You want to make it look alive, without pulling it away from the fish or its lie. Good Luck and post some pics!
Thanks for the replies.

SBecker........Do you use sinking line when tossing streamers on the Lehigh? I've always used WF 6 or 7 weight line on my 6 weight rod. Curious if you think sink tip adds any benefits with the Leigh. In case it matters, I wade fish the Lehigh with flows from FEW at around 500 cfs or less.
The pattern is probably the least important factor and yes, a sink tip line gets the fly down while allowing it to move freely in the current. As always, the harder you fish the luckier you get.
Kelly Galloup's Butt Monkey Sculpin & Mike Schmidt's Mike's Meal Ticket are my 2 favorite articulated streamers for big browns. You won't catch any dinks with these.....
Millsertime wrote:
Thanks for the replies.

SBecker........Do you use sinking line when tossing streamers on the Lehigh? I've always used WF 6 or 7 weight line on my 6 weight rod. Curious if you think sink tip adds any benefits with the Leigh. In case it matters, I wade fish the Lehigh with flows from FEW at around 500 cfs or less.

When I am tossing the big stuff, I use a 7wt with a sink tip. Casts a lot easier. When I am just tossing single patterns I don't
When I'm fishing the Lehigh and want to catch fingerling bows I put my Shane Becker tandem fly on and always have good results it even has a clipped adipose fin on it . :p
When I need a little person for entertainment at a party, I call Fredrick.
I don't really throw tandem streamers too often...
The go-to tandem on the Lehigh is a bugger and a big wet fly

For streamers I'd say a bugger or bunny in darker colors, for wet just a hare's and partridge
I've caught way more smallies than trout on streamers
Tandem streamers? I bet that loads the rod!