Recommended SGL for hike / brookie fishing outing?



Sep 30, 2012
Hi all

I am thinking for father's day I will ask the family to join me on a hike / exploration (and a little bit of wild trout fishing) trip to somewhere in the poconos.

We did this last year at Hickory Run St Park, and I fished hickory run and mud run (briefly). That was nice (especially hawk falls), but being a State park it was a bit crowded for my taste... So I was thinking somehting more like a SGL.

Anyway, would appreciate thoughts (pm OK) on the following options on my list to explore, in terms of suitability for dual prupose / fishing and family hiking.

Nescopeck St park / Oley creek (closeness to interstate maybe not ideal?)

SGL 141 Jeans Run (is there convenient parking / access?)

SGL 127, Cross keys run?

SGL 221, Devil's Hole Ck

SGL38, Wolf swamp run


Lots of trout in SGL 221.

Wolf Swamp Run? Have fun! I fished it once and I likely won't go back. There's choked streams and then there's Wolf Swamp. Even bow/arrow casting was difficult.
You might take them to Ricketts Glen. You can't fish there, but the hike on the trails along all the waterfalls is very enjoyable.

My parents took us there when we were kids and I've never forgotten that. It's one of the most scenic places in PA.
Probably a decent idea for you to define “family” for us. You/wife/two teenage or older kids all in good health is different than little kids or grandparents included. Most of the spots you laid out there are good remote hiking/fishing options but would be a rough go of it along the stream for little kids or those not in decent shape. Figure at best rough, spotty, and broken game trails along the stream and a good amount of brush busting and/or climbing through rhodo. Usually fishing those remote Poconos streams requires navigating the stream from in the water the whole time due to a combination of the terrain and rhodo on the banks. They all will require at least some moderate hiking off trail from the car to get to them and get back again.

One in particular on your list is the roughest, steepest stream I’ve ever fished. It’s beautiful, but navigating around some of the falls/pools nearly requires rock climbing equipment, and once you’re down into the ravine the stream flows through you’re committed…the only way out is to go up or down the stream until it levels off. Impossible to climb out sideways. (If you’ve researched these I’m sure you can figure out which one I mean, if not send me a PM.)

You’re right that the HRSP streams see more traffic, but they are also more family friendly with regularly used trails along them. Many of the smaller, remote streams in northcentral PA (Potter/Tioga Co area) have more established hiking trails along them and are lower gradient too.
cross keys is very swampy and tiny.

+1 on wolf swamp being a tiny evil rhodo tunnel :)
Hi, thanks for the recommendations so far.
Kids are 4 and 8.

SGL snowmobile trail or logging road or nearby family activity would be helpful.

Looks like i might have 2 trips in mind and should separate them :)

Of the streams on the list, only Devils Hole Creek is suitable, IMHO.

I'd consider Ricketts Glen, though, especially if you've never been there.
if he doesnt like being in crowded areas, i would not suggest ricketts glen on the weekend... especially a holiday weekend

Sgl 26. One of the most remote areas in the state.
Fish bobs creek, which is not a tiny stream, for wild brook and brown trout. Park at sr3001 and fish downstream 7 hours or more if you want. It's class a from there downstream to Rhodes run.
Millsertime wrote:
Lots of trout in SGL 221.

Wolf Swamp Run? Have fun! I fished it once and I likely won't go back. There's choked streams and then there's Wolf Swamp. Even bow/arrow casting was difficult.
You're not kidding there, bit I'd put Cherry Run, the one that feeds into Fishing Creek (Clinton), right there with it!!!! Almost impentrable in most spots. And few trout. :-?
I was just there in sgl #26. I'll tell you this, the girl friend and I decided we are taking multiple trips there this year. It's really nice.

We plan on camping at blue knob state park and spending our time in the game lands. Access for small kids is easy down the state game land road. It follows the creek for a good distance. We got off of it and went deep into the woods, what a wonderful place
Thanks SF, sounds like you have a great spot, will keep that in mind if the location works someday (a bit longer drive / too far west for us)

as for SGL 221, we had a wonderful outing. Just the kind of thing I was looking for. Several things of interest to hikers / kids along DH Creek, including some old inn/resort ruins and a few geocaches. Water was comparatively high and fast but fishable. Caught a few 8" wild browns, but not a single brookie in the stretch I fished.

To make the day unforgettable, on our way out, our 4-year old says "look daddy, a bear!" We were never in any danger from said bear, which was a smallish adult maybe 50yd upstream, but let's just say we didn't dawdle the rest of the way out.

Happy Fathers Day everyone


I know this is an old thread but searching through this site is priceless. thanks everyone who is kind enough to share their experiences.
By the way, since you refreshed the thread, I may as well add something.

So... our 4-yo sees a bear (see above)
Bear seems to be waking up, sniffing the air "hmmm, is that a turkey sandwich in that kid's backpack?"
Wife and I gather up the kids and get moving back toward the parking lot. I carry the 4-yo on my shoulders to make progress a little faster.
Somewhere in there, I realize i've lost my hat. My Little Lehigh Heritage Fly shop hat.
Oh well, I am old enough (and dad enough) now not to go walk back up the trail toward the bear to look for a hat. I figure i can buy another next time I am in Dave's shop.

So that's that, need another hat next time I fish the LL, and we have a good story about a bear sighting.

THe next weekend, I am at home with the family, watching world cup soccer, and there is a knock on my door. Who could that be on a Sunday? I answer the door, and there is a fisherman holding my hat. Mind you I lost the hat a week ago and almost a 2 hour drive away from home.

Now, i wish i could say there was some more magical explanation, but I did have my license clipped to the hat, so it had my name and address.

But still, some neighborly guy saw my address was within 15 minutes of his home, and came to drop it off.
Of course he was....
a) a fly fisherman
b) a paflyfish forum member.

Thanks KeithS!

we have some good people on this board :)

Such a cool story. I was curious if you caught anything and what you used?

Sometimes I wished I lived somewhere else in the country that had better fishing. I travel a lot for work and fish the dc area and the Pacific Northwest when I can. Being in Philly is sometimes a drag. It's a good hour or so to anything half decent. Although I do have the salt close by, the philly area depresses me because the water is so polluted. But when I read this board I remember there are so many places I haven't even considered venturing to. Thanks again.
My pleasure, Mike.