recomendation for caddis wings


Sep 11, 2006
I bought a caddis wing cutter made by River Road Customs. I thought I had some material to cut wings from but it didn't work well. Anyone have suggestions on materials that work? RRC has some on thier web site but I thought I'd check around before I bought some.
Mallard primary feathers. Try tying a Henryville special they work great, one of the best patterns I've found especially on brookie streams, but they work for browns very well too. The other pattern I use is the deer hair wing.
I know a lot of guys will use "tyvek" and color it with a marker, should work good with your cutter.
Use thin foam with the wing cutters ,I have a set and they work
great with foam
I am also a member of Bucks TU ,I live in Doylestown Pa
Lou and I are friends
Come out to are meetings the next one is 9/6/07
Like sandflea said Lou is a n Italian guy , I am short with a beard,
that the sun has bleached white !!!!!!!!!
Beadhead you are a brave soul to say your a friend of Lou's, at least he has one. :-D
I love this Web Wing stuff. I also use turkey and other quills with a coat of flexi-ment (sp) on them. The key is to cut them on the rubber surface your cutter should have come with.
Plumbob: I think you had better lay off the PVC glue,your mistaken I have two friends.
Your right Lou I thought it was the glue making me see double. :-D Hey how come nobody puts up any pics over here. Only seen a couple ? Got any new weave's to show?
Tabasco, one other thing you can use for wings is to take a piece of swiss straw flatten it out then take some head cement and coat the one side, fold it in half with the glue being in the center of the fold, let dry then punch out.
tomgamber wrote:
I love this Web Wing stuff. I also use turkey and other quills with a coat of flexi-ment (sp) on them. The key is to cut them on the rubber surface your cutter should have come with.

I remember seeing Web Wing in a shop one time and thinking it would work great for caddis wings. Just ordered some to give it a try thanks Tom.

Lou, Plumbob, I'll see you guys at the meeting next week.