Really? Three spills at the same site!



Sep 22, 2006
The Mariner East Pipeline goes right through the middle of my town right through neighborhoods.

The installation was halted a few months ago. Sink holes in back yards, unsafe well water to the point where the households must use bottled water to drink. Lower property values. A leak would be disastrous to those that live within yards of the pipeline.

The pipeline is being built not to heat our homes, it is to transport to the port at Marcus Hook so it can be shipped overseas.

Eminent domain laws forced on people, so the company can make a buck.....billions of bucks, actually.



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Take note of the following line in the article.

“The notice said the DEP had not authorized any inadvertent release at that site.”

How exactly is something inadvertent authorized in advance? Does that mean DEP authorizing leaks in advance at other sites? Jumbo shrimp comes to mind.
Add in Atlantic Sunrise and we're all screwed. I can't drive anywhere East of E-town without crossing the pipeline. Funny how the license plates on the worker's pickups are from TX or OK. Think of the jobs!
Sal, I noticed that too. Those out of state workers could care less about the damage they are doing here. As always it's all about the $$$.
Williams puts commercials on TV on how wonderful the pipeline is. And it's the same as Mariner East. Send the gas to the ports and export it. Residents that are affected will never see a cubic foot of that gas.
salvelinus wrote: Williams puts commercials on TV on how wonderful the pipeline is. Funny how the license plates on the worker's pickups are from TX or OK. Think of the jobs!

Commercials: It's theater of the mind. If we believe it, it must be true. This is marketing at its worse. So, are PA citizens as a whole smart enough to see through the BS?

Jobs: The same thing happened in NEPA when they were drilling. Most of the jobs were for drivers. The excuse was the TX and OK workers were more efficient b/c they grew up drilling.

Spills: If it's only about the money, let's make the penalty for DEP violations financially painful enough so as to act as a strong deterrent. Oh, wait. That won't happen because our scumbag politicians will bend over for anyone with money to lobby and fund campaigns. If politicians were selling their bodies we would call them "whores". Good thing they aren't.
Stopping BIG MONEY is like wizzing into the wind. It's always about the money and if they tell you how good it's going to be just stay bent over. Pa. should file a complaint about being raped again. GG
What's the problem, it's only "clay and water" right?

We just need to accept these things as they're necessary for 'progress.' And besides, who are we to complain? It's all our fault since we're the end consumers, nothing we can do about it anyways.
< /end snark>
Hey Tomi, if you want a clean environment, kill yourself to help abate the damage u do ya hypocrite.
Pistols at dawn, 10 paces? :p
So are we better off transporting oil via tanker truck? Or should we not drill at all and import it from the middle east then transport via tanker.

I live about a mile from the largest hydroelectric plant in the east and the power from my house comes from coal and I pay about 3 times what someone from NYC who uses the power generated in my backyard does. I can appreciate the frustration of a pipeline running through someones backyard when they have no access to the oil.
tomitrout wrote:
Pistols at dawn, 10 paces? :p

Well, how’s about high noon, I ain’t gittin up that early to die.
So are we better off transporting oil via tanker truck? Or should we not drill at all and import it from the middle east then transport via tanker.

I live about a mile from the largest hydroelectric plant in the east and the power from my house comes from coal and I pay about 3 times what someone from NYC who uses the power generated in my backyard does. I can appreciate the frustration of a pipeline running through someones backyard when they have no access to the oil.

This particular pipeline is going be used to export the product, it's taking it to port in Philly. Has really no effect on our dependence on oil from the middle east, apples and oranges in that regard. There is very little benefit to the local communities from the construction of this pipeline and they've been making a mess of the installation. As evidenced by yet another round of spills, er, I mean 'inadvertent returns'.
Ok Mo, how's about 6-wts at noon then?
State coffers could be thick if legislators would place an export tax on the gas leaving the state.
Who cares!
Id vote for them
tomitrout wrote:
What's the problem, it's only "clay and water" right?

We just need to accept these things as they're necessary for 'progress.' And besides, who are we to complain? It's all our fault since we're the end consumers, nothing we can do about it anyways.
< /end snark>

Was it not just clay and water?

Same stuff was probably used when putting in your underground utilities.

If anyone interpreted any of my responses as, don't report this kind of thing, that was not my intention. We do need to keep these people in line. Heck, I even dropped a dime on PennDOT once because they were doing a lot of digging in the headwaters of a trout stream without silt barriers.

All I was saying is that the sky didn't fall nearly as far as the OP in the other thread suggested.

Exaggerating the facts to that extent does more harm than good to the argument, because anyone with a clue will not take it serious.

I also found it odd that the more serious threat was buried in the last couple paragraphs.