Reading Material



Mar 29, 2015
Just ordered The Habit of Rivers, The Longest Silence, and the Orvis Fly Fishing Guide, for some new reading materials. Heard great things about first two books and have enjoyed the Orvis podcasts a lot on car rides to and from fishing so thought I'd grab a copy. Just finished reading through art flicks stream side guide courtesy of gen con. What other FF books should I add too my list, any recommendations?
Well, first off the longest silence is my favorite book. Terrific.

Also, anything by John Gierach is excellent. The bard of fly fishing

The River Why pretty good.

Anything by Robert Traver- trout madness.

Ring of the Rise- Marino.
Vanishing Trout by Charles Lose.

It's about brook trout fishing in NC PA. He fished those streams from the late 1800s to the 1920s, and he was a very good writer.


You have gotten good suggestions. I think you'll like "The Longest Silence," too. I did not like "The Habit of Rivers," a little pretentious for me.

You really ought to find and buy "The Vanishing Trout," a really fine historical perspective of n/c PA. I think Marinaro's other book, "A Modern Dry Fly Code," is even better than "In the Ring of the Rise."

Traver's "Trout Madness" is absolutely wonderful, as is his other book, "Trout Magic."

Don't forget Charles K. Fox's "A Wonderful World of Trout" and "Rising Trout." These are nice companions for the Marinaro books.

Dr. Alvin Grove's "The Lure and Lore of Trout Fishing" is another nice book from the past.

If you get ahold of these and read them, you'll enjoy a lot of nice fireside reading.
Some good suggestions here. I recently read and enjoyed "Trout Fishing in the Catskills" by Ed Van Put. It is about the history of the area and all the interesting fishermen and fly tying that came from there.
To my previous post I would add "The Earth is Enough." While not strictly a fishing book, it really is a nice read for people who like the outdoors and interesting characters. Sadly, Harry Middleton, its author, died very young at age 44. It would have been interesting to see what further contributions to outdoor lit. he might have penned.
Fishing the Wilder Shores. Sidney Spencer
Fishing and Thinking. A.A. Luce
The Vanishing Trout. Charles Lose
Bodines. Thad UpdeGraf
A Summer on the Test. J. Waller Hills

rrt wrote:
To my previous post I would add "The Earth is Enough." While not strictly a fishing book, it really is a nice read for people who like the outdoors and interesting characters. Sadly, Harry Middleton, its author, died very young at age 44. It would have been interesting to see what further contributions to outdoor lit. he might have penned.

An excellent read and I agree with you. Had he lived......
I really like the older classic books on flyfishing. The following are all books I own and can recommend.

This Wonderful World of Trout by Charles K. Fox
The Modern Dry Fly Code by Vincent C. Marinaro
The Lure and Lore of Trout Fishing by Dr. Alvin R. Grove
Trout by Ray Bergman
Fishing the Dry Fly as a Living Insect by Leonard M. Wright
What the Trout Said by Datus Proper
The Vanishing Trout by Charles Lose

All of these books are good reads, informative and entertaining. I am currently reading The Lure and Lore of Trout Fishing. Dr. Grove wrote this book in 1951. It is very well written. I can tell you this much, Dr. Grove was one smart man. Find a copy and buy it!