Rambling Up Hollows



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
A day after school let out, I found myself rambling up hollows of Potter County.


It is a good way to start the summer - sitting on the tailgate with mountains in the windows, looking at maps, tracing hyphenated courses and blue lines, waiting for the sulfurs to hatch.


Where rock tightens its grip to water, everything seems to grow more full.


Color, life, sound, smell, the way deadwood lays across rock, patterns stitched by the quick wind that slices down these drafts.


Patterns of the Elders.


At night, we watched a thin moon pull in the Milky Way. In the morning, we sat on the porch and drank coffee for a few hours, watching the valley and the clouds slowly shake by.


During the day we bushwhacked through thick brush and found plunge pools. The long thin red marks across my shins, those are good scars, tattoos of exploring.


Thanks for sharing this...........
Yo raft - very poetic and evocative. I'll come back to this again and agian.
AWESOME write-up and pics! It sounds like you had an experience. I'm getting up that way later in the week and hope to do the same. Keep these types of posts coming as they help me get through the workday :)
What Les said - awesome stuff!
Very nice! I too will be up in that area next week, and hope to find a few of those myself!
Nice picture/poem. That's doin' it right!
They don't call it God's country for nothing
Thanks guys! Appreciate it and glad you dug it. I'm bummed I couldn't upload some of the landscape photos...though you can find them on my website if you're interested. Conditions were perfect and I ended up having some of my best fishing in Potter.
Great post , awesome pics, I am glad that you shared.
Great post - and I spy a DBT koozy! You hitting any of their Brooklyn shows this month?
Excellent! Some quality brook trout there!
This is so very good. Thanks for posting.
Great post - and I spy a DBT koozy! You hitting any of their Brooklyn shows this month?

Good eye dude! You probably know the lyric.. it starts with "It's" and ends with.. "great to be alive." What a great band. Unfortunately I won't be making their shows... I wish I would have seen one of those Dimmer Twins shows...
Hell yeah I know the lyric. The truckers are the real deal and super nice folks too. They're a bit of an obsession for me, seen them too many times to count the last 10 years. Dimmer Twins were great in Sellersville. Let me know if you can make Brooklyn, would love to buy you a beer or two and we'll say cheers to DBT and catching a few trout.
Good stuff man.