Ralston Pa.



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
When i think Ralston Pa.. I think 2 streams-----Rock Run-----Roaring Branch! Wow, what beauties. If you have not fished them, well, your not fishing.

I would recommend fishing top to bottom on both. Will take several trips but needed to. To find out all you been missing.

Rock Run from Yellowdog Bridge to mouth, Lycoming Creek.

Roaring Branch from Phyliss's Horse Farm at Big Bridge to mouth. Lycoming Creek.

Best to have 2 cars. But if like me, sometimes be prepared to walk.

Not a lot of fishing pressure, other than 1st day. Most pressure where easy access is. It is always nice to have a friend along.

Both these streams i would say. younger fishermen.

Good luck if you choose to go. These 2 streams are what memories are made of!
Rock run may receive more fishing pressure now a days, beautiful area that is heavily utilized by hikers and rock jumpers.

I have always wanted to fish that stretch of Roaring Branch while it was turbid right after a May thunderstorm. The vertical slabs of bedrock would make wading through the "canyon" quite difficult in those situations I would imagine.
The canyon, no big deal, maybe 100yards long, low water slip through it. High water, a climb to go around!

Get you *** in gear and go! Or you can read the books and wish you did. Rock Run, it must have changed. Fishermen always hugged the road holes, however seen not many travel far from car! That is ok, was always more for me.

Roaring Branch, you kidding me, nobody's fishing it. Except me and a otter. Seems you all been missing out! After a rain, yes, before a rain, yes, at night yes, that is if your not scared!

maxima12 wrote:
The canyon, no big deal, maybe 100yards long, low water slip through it. High water, a climb to go around!

Get you *** in gear and go! Or you can read the books and wish you did. Rock Run, it must have changed. Fishermen always hugged the road holes, however seen not many travel far from car! That is ok, was always more for me.

Roaring Branch, you kidding me, nobody's fishing it. Except me and a otter. Seems you all been missing out! After a rain, yes, before a rain, yes, at night yes, that is if your not scared!


I've fished Rock Run and Roaring Branch and some of their tributaries.

What else have you got? ;-)
troutbert wrote:

I've fished Rock Run and Roaring Branch and some of their tributaries.

What else have you got? ;-)

How about Sugarworks and mill creek? All private and helps to know some locals! After an outing, lunch at The Midway. Get a burger or whatever is on special... you will not go hungry!
Troutbert. Bet you did not fish it all! How far did you wonder?

Some fish a stream and say yes! I fish the whole stream and say, wish there was more!

You say what else i got? Plenty i say.

Fished Lycoming, took the Roaring Branch Rd. to Blockhouse Creek in Buttonwood Pa. At top big bridge a horse farm, cookies and lemonade by the rd. on a table. Passed by, slammed the brakes , backed up, gor out of car and proceeded to stand.

Had a young boy and grandpa with me. Said--"i want to buy some lemonade and cookies for young fisherman". People gathered around and said, "Were having a family reunion". I said, "sorry".

They said, "Glad you came". So we got out, had cookies, lemonade and the young boy got to ride a horse. We got the grand tour! Now these people were the best people i have ever met! Seems the hand of fellowship was on my shoulder.

I can never forget that day! Phyliss farm, bust your *** farm from i believe Liberty Pa. daughters, young folk, old folk and all good folk!

Got several chances to share back. Got to know some a little better!
Got the chance, by chance to go back and fish.

What does this have to do with fishing! Everything! More to fishing than casting a line. I ended up fishing for friendship and got my limit, 5 times!

maxima12 wrote:
Troutbert. Bet you did not fish it all!


Nope. Not yet!

I still haven't fished Bear Wallow Hollow.

Maybe this year.
troutbert, are you talking, bear wallow, wyoming state forest, up elk creek towards hoaglands branch, the pond with all the stumps"

i will go with you, been a long time, since there. You can fish, i will watch. never did too well fishing it.

i do have a story, getting lost in the clearcuts, helped out by good fellows. nighttime on a road, who knows where. not knowing which way to go. 3 miles from car.

There is a road that will still have 2 feet of snow on it in places!

Hey, did you ever hear of Black's Creek. Texas Creek, the Zimmerman, i call it, the little stream at Oregon Hill, Pa.

How about a great one at a long time past. Blockhouse Creek, Packhorse Run and between the sheets, Trout Run, or should i say, between the streets!

How about that small stream, coming down the big hill, on left before English Center. What about the one on right after the hill before English Center.
Troitbert, i think i got you sucked in. The old maxima12 and his tales of good fishing.
maxima12 wrote:
troutbert, are you talking, bear wallow, wyoming state forest, up elk creek towards hoaglands branch, the pond with all the stumps"

i will go with you, been a long time, since there. You can fish, i will watch. never did too well fishing it.

i do have a story, getting lost in the clearcuts, helped out by good fellows. nighttime on a road, who knows where. not knowing which way to go. 3 miles from car.

There are several streams named Bear Wallow Hollow or similar things.

The one I'm talking about is further west, in the Sinnemahoning drainage. From the maps it looks very small, and I wouldn't really expect good fishing. I just like the name.