Rain Relief



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
I am EXTREMELY HAPPY that we are getting a good thorough soaking here in Central PA. I am currently in Juniata County near the town of Reeds Gap and it has been raining solidly for a couple of hours. Combine this rain with the expected rainfall that is projected from Hurricane Laura tomorrow and our stream temperatures and flows should be much improved. I will check the rain gauge at my house later and let ya'll know what I received. I hope that NC PA got some relief for the brookies up there.

Either way, just posting this to give a little thanks. If anyone else wants to chime in with rainfall amounts then please feel free. I didn't expect a good long soaking today.
Got 2 inches of rain in less than an hour (while unloading a truck, of course) in South Greensburg today. I'll take it. Needs to go North though.
I'm appreciative of any rain we get. Especially when it might get me on a couple streams that I have had to avoid because of low stream conditions. Bring on the rain!
Not much here in my area of Potter. I don't think Laura is going to be any help either.
I was in Cumberland county when the line of storms came through. Tornado warning was issued, if you looked at the radar you'd think you were about to get buried but it only lightly rained for about a half an hour . Not much
Most areas of SW PA got 2-3 inches today. With some minor flooding.
And another inch forecast for tonight and tomorrow.

I'd say the drought has been taken care of - for a little while anyway
salvelinus wrote:
Not much here in my area of Potter. I don't think Laura is going to be any help either.
That's what I was afraid of. Potter can't catch a break. Pretty much every type of rain system we've had this entire summer has somehow missed Potter. It's a shame, because I think some of those streams will suffer as a result.
Very little to no rain north of 80... Clinton and Lycoming Co could use rain badly
We only got 3/10ths of an inch here in Granville in Mifflin County. Not much, but it brought cooler temps with it. All good things. I hope we get rain tomorrow from Laura but we will see..but yeah, the northern tier isn't benefitting from this.
we got a real nice soaking in the Spring Creek watershed and over the middle and lower J. A testament to just how dry it was- we probably received almost 2 inches thursday and friday and we are only starting to see an increase now. Woke to the beautiful sound of rain and more expected today. More showers coming monody-tuesday. I think we turned a corner.
nymphingmaniac wrote:
we got a real nice soaking in the Spring Creek watershed and over the middle and lower J. A testament to just how dry it was- we probably received almost 2 inches thursday and friday and we are only starting to see an increase now. Woke to the beautiful sound of rain and more expected today. More showers coming monody-tuesday. I think we turned a corner.

You got 2 inches in centre county? Dang, I live right on the Juniata River. I just checked the rain gauge and I got an additional 0.3 inches overnight. That puts me only at a little over half an inch total.
need more than spat events. perhaps the cooler temp coming will help more.