Rain Helpped the River Level



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Hoping that all the rain would help the river level of the Lackawanna and wanting to de-stress after a long work week, I headed out in the rain.

Headed for an area in ****son City where I could park under an overpass of 81. Turned out to be a good choice to park under the bridge to gear up as the rain continued throughout the morning. It ranged from a soft drizzle to mild cloud bursts all morning.

The river level was up and very discolored but what I would consider the low side of normal. Basically, the water conditions were what I expected except for the flow rate, which was a little slower than I expected it might be.

I ran several different tandems through the area with no success, unless you count the numerous tree branches I manage to remove from the river bottom.

Rain gear kept me dry, except for my hands. Given how the rain was coming down, my thought was that putting gloves on would not fare very well. Gave up around 11 and headed home.

May not have had any success catching fish, but my stress level was much improved!
I too use that river as a simple stress relief because it is near where I grew up. I was going to fish yesterday but opted out and may go today. I am actually supposed to bass fish a lake near Carbondale today but may keep the fly gear in the car for the way home and stop by the river and see if I can turn a few trout.