Rain (Finally)



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
A good, steady soaker setting up for most of the state today/tonight. Generally 1-1.5” forecast. Higher amounts localized.

Not a drought buster, but a start. And well timed with the first frosts. Plant life will be pulling less of the water out of the ground, than say a month or even a couple weeks ago, so more should end up in the aquifer. Need another 2 or 3 of these, spaced a few days apart. Hopefully this is the beginning of a shift in the pattern though.
Here’s hoping for some water. Staying a bit west of us here so far.
I was just looking at the radar and saw the training that's going on over a region that needs rain badly. Like you said, it's a start!
I just went out to stoke the fire, and it's just sprinkling a little bit here so far. Yea, I live in Ohio, but only 5 or 6 miles from the state line.

HOWEVER, I too looked at the radar, and it does look promising for the center of PA as well as a nice band currently just over the state line in PA. Not heavy so far, but a lot of green.
from the radar, it's a start, need lots more for sure. I've given up on NC pa for this year, now hoping for a good winter to get the creeks revived for next spring.
Hope to get some steelie action in soon!!
It’s Been raining in Easton Since 5pm. The Delaware is really down.
Seems like a little over an inch where I'm at in Cambria Co. The radar estimate source that Swattie shared a while back (best ive found, thanks) shows about 1.3".
Planning on hitting a limestoner tomorrow (ljr possibly). The majority of that watershed appears to have received around 1-1.5" since about 11am today. River went from around 60cfs to only 100cfs so far. Guess it goes to show how soil really soaks up a lot of rainfall when its been this dry, and low water levels in drinking water supply reservoirs also play a role i think. This type of rain during the spring season would be a 2+ day blowout. Hydrology is interesting.
Either way, i think tomorrow could be a great day for streamers in central pa.
evw659 wrote:
This type of rain during the spring season would be a 2+ day blowout. Hydrology is interesting.
Either way, i think tomorrow could be a great day for streamers in central pa.

Good call. This time of year it take a lot more rain to move the needle than in the Spring. The same amount of precip at different times of the year has different effects on streamflow. Took a while, and few swings and misses on anticipated conditions for me to figure that out.

That said, I definitely think there’s some areas that will be dialed in today. Enough to warrant me cashing in a PTO day and waking up at 3:00 AM to chase it. First time since early July these conditions have come together enough to entice me to do that. Good luck today out there.
Looks like Kettle at Cross Fork is finally up and above average flow for this time of year. But Pine at Cedar Run is still under the average flow. It appears that there is more rain in the next 5-7 days. I picked a good year to NOT make the 7hr drive north, that's for sure.
It looks like the Western Poconos got over 1.5" according to the USGS gauge on the Tobyhanna Creek. Perfect for my weekend.