Raft access and take out information...



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
Wow it's been a minute since checking in here...
Quick question for all you guys where would I find some information on put in and take out points for floating streams and rivers is there a place for that...
Wow it's been a minute since checking in here...
Quick question for all you guys where would I find some information on put in and take out points for floating streams and rivers is there a place for that...
Yes, there is. PFBC maintains a list of boat launches on public waterways. For many rivers and streams, they publish and have water trail maps available on their website. You used to be able to request them via mail, too, and they would send you their own printed and foldable water trail maps. I have a bunch of em somewhere.

Purple Lizard maps that feature rivers also publish that stuff.
As an edit to my above post, that is for public boat launches and stuff on the larger waterways that have such things, like the Clarion, Junaita, Susky, Pine Creek, etc. If you are looking for people's private access spots to smaller waters, then you might be on your own....

It's kind of the go-to for whitewater access info. many of the good fishing streams are class I-II+ whitewater runs and the typical section/shuttle/route info is surely found on AW