Quill Gordon Summit 2014 Inquiry



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
So I was pondering next year's QG Summit, especially the date. This year we had cold temps and the fishing was off on small streams. Even big Pine it suffered-minus CSoult and Wetfly01's outing on Friday. How would you guys feel about attempting an October QG Summit? It sure is a beautiful time to be up in those hills.
You would have to change the name. :)
Yes we would...or "Quill Gordon Summit:Fall Expedition", or how about, "Quilltoberfest...not to be confused with Stocktoberfest"?

It's just a thought, though. I feel like we could make out better by trying a Fall NCPA jam. Pine gets a healthy stocking in the Fall, the small streams are still great, the scenery is breath taking.

Me personally, I like it in April with the cool temps plus that upper end of Pine has a good flow and is stocked heavily already for the beginning of the season. And I do like the big water. But I also like to fish for wild trout too and definitely those wild trout streams I think will fish better in the fall then in the spring. This is just me thinking,but whats the chances of having two events.The Quill Gordon Summit in the spring and a Wild Trout Jam in the fall. We all know and appreciate that you open your place up for the QG Summit in April for us all. But not knowing how you would feel about doing it for a second time in one season. Just a thought. I know I would attend both. Its a good time. Either way I'll be there.
I'm very open to doing two of them. It's no drain at all for me to open up the camp for everyone.

I'm putting feelers out there for 2014 because starting this November, my school load is going to double so as I can graduate in May of 2014. The spring of 2014 is pretty much out of the question for me as far as any kind of fishing is concerned, until I graduate.
I think a 2014 Fall Jam or what ever we call it would be great. Count me in. And Sas good luck with that school work load. I am sure things will go smoothly for you.
yes! And Just because Andy can't do next spring doesn't mean we can't find other digs and still go fishing!! don't worry Andy, we'll still be thinking of ya!
Hope school goes good for you, and I'm guessing next years paff spring jam will be your graduation party??!!
I'd love to do a fall and spring trip with you guys. Like Sasquatch, I'm loading up the credit hours to finish school next May. Graduation is just the begining. After commencement it will be right back to the library to study for the July bar. I doubt I'll be able to get away for an over night trip after school starts later this month. I'll be pretty much out of commission until August of 14. Man it hurts to write that.
Man you can't do it w/out me, Biker!!!! That would hurt haha!

The spring Jam may very well be on my graduation weekend. I think I graduate May 10th. Hope it's not the same weekend, 'cause I'm pretty determined to go this coming year. I really really missed it this year.
I would really like to make it to one of these, and its not all that far from me. October sounds like a great time and like many have said I bet it would be purdy down there that time of year.
Well, let's say for 2014 we will try a Fall "QG Summit". If it's a hit, we'll do a spring AND a fall NCPA jam in 2015! I ain't gonna set a date this early, but I'm glad you're all open to it. Bring your glass and bamboo...and I guess csoult can use his graphite ;-)
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Bring your glass and bamboo...and I guess csoult can use his graphite ;-)

Yeah..... That's probably not going to change :)
Andy you know my story, if I can go I'll be there. Good times.
Ill bring whatever I have that fishes! Maybe all 3 cane, glass and graphite. Who knows...

Though I feel we should do a pre-quill this fall. ;-)
Andy, two gatherings will work fine. The Potter County is beautiful. The cabin definitely has its own personality. Bring your father with you. You probably see me again around greasy pallet, so lets create more good memories and catch some fish there.


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I can't do one this fall...I have a trip to the smokies planned!

Fall 2014-Orange Caddis Summit, Potato City PA
Call it the Fall Caddis event. Are we really waiting until 2014 to hold the gathering?
Yeah we already had the 2013 QG Summit. Usually I do this in the spring, like I said, I'm just putting the feelers out to see if the usuals are open to a Fall gathering next year. Glad to know most everyone, and some new people, are open to it!

Fall Caddis Summit 2014. Potato City, Potter PA....
Just so you guys know, I got back from the Hammersley/Cross Fork/Kettle region on Sunday night. The Fall jam is going to RULE next year! We nailed double digits on all the streams we fished, the fish were absolutely beautiful, and no spawning yet. Talked to Phil at Kettle Creek for a while about the spawn. He said if we keep the "jam" to the first three weeks of October, we won't have any problems.

My dad also bought one of his 7'2" fiberglass 4wts.....I'm jealous.

You drove right past my place on the way to Phil's and you didn't stop for a beer. Was there gathering up building materials from this summers roof project. Did not even fish (believe it or not). I did check out a few areas and the water was in great shape and they were going to get a little more rain during the week. Will be heading back up in a couple of weeks to close the place up for the year. We'll probably do some turkey hunting on that weekend. I like the name"The Fall Caddis Summit". O yea I did see lots of tan caddis's right behind our place. So the name fits.