Quick Tip: Storing your fly when changing spots



Jul 2, 2013
Hope this helps!


If you unhook the leader from around the reel. Let the leader hang with the fly still in the guide. Bump the rod butt the fly will dislodge from the guide. Cast away! Before you say BS try it. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
If you unhook the leader from around the reel. Let the leader hang with the fly still in the guide. Bump the rod butt the fly will dislodge from the guide. Cast away! Before you say BS tr1y it. GG

That's perfectly good advice. I do it all the time. Doesn't always work, but it works often enough to be worth trying.

Also, instead of wrapping the leader around the reel foot, wrap it around the reel itself. Not only is it easier to get off, but it also takes up a bit more leader. (When I'm fishing a 7 1/2 foot rod with a 13 or 14 foot leader, I'm already hooking the fly in the last guide before the tip-top. The reel rather than foot can make the difference in whether there's line beyond the tip-top or not.)
^ this is the method I use and it works great!
In most situations on stream, I just hold the fly and/or leader near the fly at my grip. Always de-barb your hooks. When traveling spot to spot for short distances by car, I either remove the fly or I use the hookkeeper to secure the fly and just roll down the window and hold the rod outside along the side of the car.