Quick n' Easy Stones

  • Thread starter BrookieBuster101
  • Start date


Jun 27, 2009
DOes anyone out there know of a good stonefly pattern that is a farely fast tie? I hate tying them for whatever reason and hav even considered buying them.
Thanks alot!
I have a few that I came up with.

Black biot stonefly:
Tail: black biots
Abdomen: black dubbing
RIb: copper/black/red wire
Thorax: Peacock Ice Dub
WIng case: swiss straw
legs: 4 biots tied swept over wing case.

I will add a strip of crystal braid on the wing case for steelhead, and also tie with beads.

I also will tie the above with three sheets of swiss straw tied in for a more natural wing case.

It's not the most natural fly, but it is a good attractor stone.
Browse these. there is at least one on each page.

try this in different colors
montana stone


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I tie one that works fairly good and not too hard.

Weight the body with lead.
Black biots in front and rear.
Dub body with black and wrap black stretch ribbing for abdomen.
Swiss straw shell back
And just take a hackle feather and wrap the thorax, pull over the swiss straw, and trim the bottom off so you just have the hackle on both sides.

Not an overly difficult pattern, but yes, I agree, not my favorite to tie.
theres a nice easy montana stone in dave hughes' book hand book of hatches.... pretty good book
alright thanks alot guys ill giv some of em a try
I used to labor over tying my golden stone nymphs. That is until I discovered what is just called a "rubber leg" out west. They are dead simple to tie, and as best I can tell, work just as well as the complicated ones I used to tie.


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flybop wrote:
I used to labor over tying my golden stone nymphs. That is until I discovered what is just called a "rubber leg" out west. They are dead simple to tie, and as best I can tell, work just as well as the complicated ones I used to tie.

This is a version of the girdle bug. A guide out there turned me on to it a long time ago when I fished in your back yard; the Yellowstone River near PV. I really cleaned up with this fly and began to tie it in different sizes and weights (dark brown, black). It's a great, easy to tie SF imitation for anywhere there's larger stoneflies. Great anchor fly to use on a string of flies. It works well on the D River and also for SMB anywhere. Good stuff.
Has that been put to use on Penns?
you can also try the brooks stonefly nymph pattern. pretty simple. tied in the round. easy to tie in a wide range of sizes. you can warp some up for the little blacks/browns due in february.
Yes Jay, a few years ago this fly worked well on Penns.
I have a vhs tape of AK best tying a black stonefly its a very simple pattern and its so easy to tie. His tapes are great and if you can find it its called stoneflies and caddis I believe.I lent it out to a friend and If I can get a hold of him tonight I will get back with the name if thats not correct. This tape is great and well worth the money.