


Active member
Sep 11, 2006
When trying to use the bold, italic, underline, etc functions when posting, I can't seem to get it to work.

In the past, I used to just click on the button for whatever function I wanted to use, then typed the words into the ajoining box, then clicked ADD.

This doesn't work anymore for me. It just adds the words in regular text when I do this. Am I just dain-bramaged? :lol:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
When trying to use the bold, italic, underline, etc functions when posting, I can't seem to get it to work.

In the past, I used to just click on the button for whatever function I wanted to use, then typed the words into the ajoining box, then clicked ADD.

This doesn't work anymore for me. It just adds the words in regular text when I do this. Am I just dain-bramaged? :lol:



it appears to not be working but the code does work. looking into it.
bold italic [color=990000]color[/color] size

It works okay.

Type in your text.

Highlight the text you wish to change the format on, and click on the format button.
Maurice is [d]great![/d]...average

Hey it does work...just not the way it used to.

Skip using that little white box next to the icons.

Thanks Afish!

Maurice wrote:
it appears to not be working but the code does work. looking into it.

You broke enough stuff on here, now don't go messing around with this.......

Thanks Tom!
[size=xx-small]Hello world[/size]

Hello world

[color=0033CC]Hello world[/color]
