Question regarding PM



May 28, 2013
I was wondering if there is anyway to check if a PM you sent went through if you forget to check "save a copy" in your outbox. I didnt see the usual "thanks for your submission" notice when I hit send.


PAgeologist wrote:
I was wondering if there is anyway to check if a PM you sent went through if you forget to check "save a copy" in your outbox. I didnt see the usual "thanks for your submission" notice when I hit send.



Short answer is No. I have never heard of PM's not making it to an intended recipient. But to be sure hit save in outbox.
OK. Thank you. I thought I did click save in outbox, which is why I was confused when it didnt appear there, but maybe I didnt.
If you take a long time writing a pm, and go over a certain unknown time limit, the website "times you out" and your message is erased and never gets sent.

I'm pretty sure the same thing occurs when writing regular posts on the board as well.

At least I THINK that is what happens. But I don't know what the time limit is.

Maybe others have some experience or info on all this.

I've had the same thing happen confirmation message and the recepient did NOT receive the message. Not sure if it was a timeout or something else. If you're typing out a long one or are pcray (or both) you can always type it in Word or something similar and copy and paste it over to the message box so that in the event of a sending problem you don't lose what you typed.
Swattie87 wrote:
I've had the same thing happen confirmation message and the recepient did NOT receive the message. Not sure if it was a timeout or something else. If you're typing out a long one or are pcray (or both) you can always type it in Word or something similar and copy and paste it over to the message box so that in the event of a sending problem you don't lose what you typed.


If you wish to pcray a thread, it's best to type up and edit in Word and paste it in.
I am not sure if this happens to anyone else, but sometimes when I try to send a PM, the recipient is filled in as the first name on the member list, rather than the intended recipient. I look at the recipient name before I type to make sure that it is the person I intend to PM.
How is it I never have problems with PM's?
I am not sure if this happens to anyone else, but sometimes when I try to send a PM, the recipient is filled in as the first name on the member list, rather than the intended recipient.

It works if you reply to a PM, or find the person in thread and use the dropdown to "PM". But if you just go to your inbox, and click new message, this is exactly what happens. I would imagine that 007troutman has plenty of messages out of the blue.

Came here cause my name is being used a lot in this thread! But yeah, if I took a little while to write a message, I copy and paste before sending as it does often time out.

And for the true novels which get used often, I keep word files, and adjust where necessary.