Question on March fishing and waters available



New member
Feb 1, 2021
Hi guys, thanks in advance.

Streams that are stocked, but are labeled "class A" up above the stocked area - are they able to be fished for wild/natives in the above area with class A designation in March..... since they are not designated stocked waters up above? Could I be anymore not fluent sorry. But thanks.

I hope I'm clear in my question....just want to go do some catch and release fun when I get a chance and stay within the rules. Don't get to go as much as I'd like.
What matters is whether it is listed as stocked trout waters. Stream sections labeled stocked trout waters are closed to all fishing. Anything not labeled stocked trout waters are open for C&R fishing.

Most, perhaps all, of the stocked trout waters listings list an upper and lower boundary. If so, then inside the boundaries are closed, outside of those boundaries are open and C&R. If it doesn't list boundaries, then the whole stream is labeled stocked trout water. But I don't see any that don't list boundaries anymore.

It sounds like your stream has a section named as stocked trout waters. It doesn't matter where they actually stock in real life, what matters is what's officially designated as stocked trout water. Check the website for your stream. Outside of those boundaries, have at it, C&R only.