Question from a new resident



New member
Mar 16, 2024
Clearfield County, PA
New resident of NCPA here. About an hour from Spring and FC, looking to fish tomorrow at some point and was hoping to hit one of the two. I’ve fished FC before, but never Spring. Just curious, on a Sunday in mid March, how crowded should I expect either location to be? I know asking for complete solitude on either stream is asking a bit much, but just looking to get an idea here. The East or West Branch of the Clarion remains an option as well in the special regs areas, but I’ve never even laid eyes on either and the allure of Spring is certainly calling my name. Any insight/advice is much appreciated.
There will probably be a ten degree temp difference between EB Dam and Bellefonte . Wind may be a factor,too.
Checking out the special regs on EB and WB Clarion is not a bad idea. You might want to make short stops on both and scout locations that are closed now to have better options later on. There is also special regs area above Ridgway Reservoir on Big Mill Creek .
Spring still has some stain to it, but very fishable. You should have no trouble finding water if you venture outside of areas close to parking at banner springs and fisherman's paradise- walk ups and down the canyon. Or less fished areas.
All depends on the weather. On a warm (say mid 50’s or better), sunny weekend day in mid-March, like today, you’ll probably see a fair number of anglers on both, but you’ll still have room to fish. It won’t be anything like mid-May. Both are pretty packed on weekends then.

If it’s cold and/or there’s any chance of precipitation, you’ll probably have them about to yourself at this time of year.

Edit: The Clarion system will be less crowded versus Spring and Fishing Creek (around here you’ll usually see if referred to as “Big Fishing Creek” or “BFC”, but it’s the same stream) no matter what time of year. The Clarion system is known for producing big fish, but in terms of fish density, it has far less fish than Spring or BFC.

You picked a good place to move to.
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