Quack!! Had to try a duckling



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
A friend and member on the page tagged me in Hook Shots video yesterday of a super speed tying of a duckling. Ive really wanted to try it but have been reluctant to step up to spinning deer hair. I tried one day about 4 years ago and it was awful so I kinda shyed away from it.

This was my first try at spinning hair since so be easy on me. Also I didn't have any lighter colored deer hair so this one is made from Pronghorn Antelope, and colored with sharpies. Hook is a 6/0 Ahrex Predator Stinger hook with a big game shank for the head, and feet. Feet is black foam with yellow mallard flank Was a lot of fun, and definetly out of my wheel house. But sometimes you just have to try something different.

I don't think the antelope will be that durable, but I was just in the mood to step out of the wheel house, and Glen tagged me so I felt like it was a good time. LOL I think I may pick up a hair pushing tool.

One thing that I did like was the Vevus thread I picked up I think its called PSP200 or something like that is really strong. You can really wrench down on the deer hair when spinning. You don't have to worry abut it snapping.

I was really lucky that a member on a musky group I am on sent me a bunch of different furs. His friend is a taxidermist and he gave him the extra pieces of his capes and such. I have elk, pronghorn antelope, African sable, African antelope, gemsbok, wildebeest. All kinds of crazy stuff LOL

Never in my wildest dreams would I think I would be tying frogs, ducks, crayfish, perh, crappie, and God only knows what else you can call some of those musky flies. Step out of your comfort zone and give something new a shot. You never know what you can come up with, and you may fall in love with tying flies you never dreamed you would even attempt.

Bonus is I scared the heck out of one of the office ladies with it.


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Yeah I seen that video too cool looking fly :pint:
Bass will blast that with enthusiasm.
Great looking ducking. Sure it will work fine.