Purchasing Flies



Sep 9, 2009
Ok, I have not purchased my tying vice yet nor do I know how to tie anything but an egg pattern. So I'm needing to start stocking up on flies for Steelhead season. Of those of you out there who don't tie your own flies, can you recommend reputable online flyshops to purchase flies from or is it better to just go to a local fly shop?
I went through a period of about a year where I didn't tie anything. I bought my staples from theflystop.com and supplemented my supply with local patterns from a fly shop.
The selection and price of steelhead flies at the shops in Erie, Poor Richards and BAC, are not bad at all, so if you get stuck or want to leave some room for a local recommendation, you won't be taken to the cleaners by waiting.
I'll sell ya some... 3 for a buck! :-D
If I'm not mistaken, Folly's End Campground (where we're meeting) has a bait/flyshop. Might be cool to support the guy that's supporting us, since he's letting us use the pavillion for free.

Of course, I'd rather have flies tied by ryguyfi - if he's serious about selling them, that's a steal!
ryguyfi I might have to take you up on that.
theflystop.com --
I'm tying up some extras to sell because I handed out too many for free last year. I just started and I've got some more hooks coming in hopefully tomorrow... if you come to the jam, you can root through my box and buy whatever you want. I'm putting together a whole separate box of extras for people to buy from. So more of a reason to come to the Steelhead Jam!!!

(all eggs so far, but might tie some nymphs and throw them in there)
what do ya need I sell tooo.
Where and when is the Jam held? I was trying to find info on this and I keep getting sidetracked by all of the other interesting topics.
rudeone wrote:
Where and when is the Jam held? I was trying to find info on this and I keep getting sidetracked by all of the other interesting topics.

It's all in this thread:

click here

We'll be at the pavillion at Folly's End campground, on the banks of Elk Creek, Oct 30 - Nov 1. Come join us!

Yep it's going to be a great time. Just need the rain this week to push the fish up the tribs. So far we have about 17 people coming atleast one day and about 9 camping at Folly's. Go to the events forum and put a post if you're going to make it or not.

I used the flystop to stock up on stimmies, wullfs and humpies before my trip to colorado. Didnt have time to tie up everything I needed on short notice. Filled both sides of a box for under $50. Over 100 flies.
I also buy stimmies and other bushy annoying to tie bugs at the fly stop. I am picky about my hatch matching dries, so I tie them with my own dubbing blends and patterns and such. I basically have little interest in tying attractor dries. I prefer to tie streamers, nymphs, and trib patterns though.
Yeah that was my thought with the flies. With those type it was just a case of getting something bushy and that was too much trouble to tie. By the way the fishing in CO was incredible to say the least, I have meant to get up pictures, but all of mine are scenery and no fish. I will get to it at some point.

For anyone with facebook here are the PHOTOS
ErnieBall wrote:
theflystop.com --

WOW! Thanks for that link, great pricing!!
I do not tie at all and quite frankly don't have an inclination to begin, so I buy all of my flies.

I buy 80% from flystop.com. Fast shipping and good quality.

The remainder of my flies are from friends, who are GREAT tiers, and make up flies from my design.

Shakey also made up some great flies for me. In return, he was to come to the Harrisburg area for a day, weekend, week(his choice) of fishing. He has yet to cash in, can't wait ti hear from him.
scotto wrote:

Shakey also made up some great flies for me. In return, he was to come to the Harrisburg area for a day, weekend, week(his choice) of fishing. He has yet to cash in, can't wait ti hear from him.

haha,that was nothing scotto!i just packed one hundred flies to send to my nephew in colorodo.he goes to school there ,the lucky SOB.
i send flies all over the place.we'll have to fish this fall sometime!
I have bought some flies on ebay.
