Puma Encounter Lesson



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
When you're out fishing in PA woods and see a mountain lion -- they're out there, you know they are -- do what this guy did while hiking; make noise, face the cat, appear/sound menacing and above all, call the cat "dude."
If I ever encounter a PA Mountain Lion, I will challenge it to a duel and choke it with my bare hands. Mark my last words.
This is why I always carry a PB/J sandwich (for Bears, they like them) and a saucer full of milk (for cats) when I fish.

And a dead Creek Chub, for Sasquatches.

Also, note how this a Puma, not a Cougar. Big difference…for those you should carry any Bon Jovi or Journey record from the 80’s, and 6’er of Barltes and Jaymes…wait, those came in 4 packs right?

Hey....that guy in the video is Fronkey! A well known hammock backpacker and a member of another forum that I'm a member of. He is a wealth of great backpacking knowledge.
Swattie87 wrote:
This is why I always carry a PB/J sandwich (for Bears, they like them) and a saucer full of milk (for cats) when I fish.

For bears, I carry bear spray. For mountain lions, I carry a large ball of yarn. Seems to keep them occupied for quite a while, most of the time.
How did he film that? A selfie stick?
For bears I make a lot of noise, for mountain lions a change of underwear. While I don't think I'd have to change my pants, I'd sure like to see one in it's home range.
Wish folks would learn to use their software to get the shakes out of their videos.
Little known fact that mountain loins hate to be called "Dude".
They usually prefer Daddio.
After shatting my drawers, I would have started chucking suff at it and crying. Filming it would have never crossed my mind.
That cat sure acted like it was used to being around people
I don't think terrifying is how I would describe the encounter. I have had encounters with geese that were far more terrifying then a yawning mountian lion.
Great responses.

Swattie, it is a fact that Sasquatch is repulsed by creek chubs. But you don't even have to carry a dead one. Even a picture of one works.
I'd love to see a mountain lion in the wild. I'm sure I would feel a rush of adrenalin, but probably not fear.

Sure, one "could" kill me, but it would take him awhile, and being 6'6" and 290, what are the chances that cat would come away from it unscathed? They are not stupid.

Chaz, no need to change your underwear unless they smell like fish. :p

FarmerDave wrote:
Great responses.

Swattie, it is a fact that Sasquatch is repulsed by creek chubs. But you don't even have to carry a dead one. Even a picture of one works.

My fishing packs will certainly smell better with this knowledge.
While yelling "Dude" at a mountain lion might work in Montana, here in PA you should shout "WE ARE!" at the cat. If done correctly it will respond with a quick double shriek.
That cat does not look healthy to me. Looks like it had an abscess or something on its left jaw. may be why it was not afraid. Its getting hungry.
When hiking in the woods with a buddy, I usually carry a .22 in case of an animal attack (particularly bears). If one attacks I will use it to shoot my buddy in the leg so it will get him while I beat feet in the other direction. Every man for himself!!
