


Jan 24, 2010
I know its early yet but Im heading up to Pulaski to fish the lake the beginning of next week. Does anybody have any info? I'll be bringing my gear with me just in case theres a early run of something while Im there.
I don't fish there, but lived in Syracuse. There is almost always a small August run. It doesn't last long and the fish drop right back. Not sure of the water situation there this year, but that will make a difference. You may hit it just right. Good luck.
Salmoncrazy, Whittakers, fat Nancy will have reports posted.
A dude i know from in town caught his first king yesterday and saw 2 or 3 more, but his results are far from typical. The August run of the last few years hasn't happened yet and isn't looking likely real soon. That being said, there are always smallies in there and if a pod of cohos enter the estuary they'll be in the river in no time. Salmoncrazy is down for preseason maintenance, which has lasted much longer than normal.

They will be releasing water around Labor Day and from then on a run of fish could happen.Presently the water is low and very few fish are in the river.As someone else mentioned you could try for SB in town.
Ok, now there are a couple more fish in the river. Hardly a run by any means, but at least you run decent odds of seeing some. The big push of coho will be the third Tuesday of September when I get there. Write that down somewhere. ;-)

Thanks guy! I'll let you know how I do.
fish the lake in 10 -30 foot depths or just cast along shore, pods will be coming in along the shorelines now