PT Dubbing Blend



Jul 15, 2015

As Fly Tyers we all have our favorite materials, patterns and techniques. And while I love pheasant tail as a material in fly patterns, I've never grown a fondness for the Pheasant Tail classic pattern. Nothing against the pattern, it has proven itself over a period longer than I have walked his earth. But I lean towards dubbed bodies on nymphs. I like movement and trapped air. And I prefer a little flash. So the classic PT Nymph just never gained my confidence over the years. But be that as it may, the result has been to find a dubbing blend that I do have confidence in. One that has the color when wet that PT has, and the rest of the properties I'm looking for. Here is what I use. If it's for you, by all means give it a try.


For video on the blend click on the link below:

PT Dubbing Blend Video
NJTroutbum, I do the exact same thing, but I'm sure my blend is different than yours. My blend has at least 5 different components. Sometimes I rib with copper, other times I rib with mono dyed golden yellow. They both work.

Last year I took a couple of my faux PT nymphs to a fly shop and said to the employees "what do you think of my PT nymphs?". They said they looked really good, then were surprised when I told them they were dubbed bodies.