pro's and con's of 3wt vs. 4wt line.



New member
Dec 30, 2010
I posted a similar topic about this a few weeks ago, but that was more about whether or not I could go over or under the manufacture's recommendation.

Once again, I am a beginner. I have a 9 foot Wild Water rod, 3/4wt. What would be the difference between the 3 and 4 weight. I'm be doing probably 99% of the casting in Oil Creek State Park. Which line offers more delicate presentations? Better wind resistance to casts, etc.?

Also, what would be your recommendations on line colors? I've heard to go with bright colors, and then some people swear on getting earth toned colors. Since my eyes suck, I'd probably go with a bright color. In your opinion, what color line is easiest for you to see?

Thanks once again
I think for a beginner, there's no real reason to have a 3 wt. The 3 will give you a more delicate presentation, but the 4 wt will fight the wind better and let you throw streamers and weighted nymph rigs much better.

As for line colors, fluorescent green or orange. I've never had a problem seeing a bright green line.
My opinion that I have said before is that there are things that a 4wt can do that a 3wt can't. I don't know of anything a 3wt can do that a 4wt can't.
The 4WT is more versatile, esp for a beginner. A 3WT is really a specialty line for fine applications. I've fished all over the US for trout for three decades and have never owned a fly line lighter than a 4 (that I can remember). In recent years there has been a trend toward longer, faster fly rods for lighter and lighter line.
Fly line colors are a matter of debate but speaking purely from my own experience the color makes no difference that I can tell for trout fishing. I don't give it any thought.
joeyd71 wrote:
I posted a similar topic about this a few weeks ago, but that was more about whether or not I could go over or under the manufacture's recommendation.

Once again, I am a beginner. I have a 9 foot Wild Water rod, 3/4wt. What would be the difference between the 3 and 4 weight. I'm be doing probably 99% of the casting in Oil Creek State Park. Which line offers more delicate presentations? Better wind resistance to casts, etc.?

Also, what would be your recommendations on line colors? I've heard to go with bright colors, and then some people swear on getting earth toned colors. Since my eyes suck, I'd probably go with a bright color. In your opinion, what color line is easiest for you to see?

Thanks once again

Line weight on a rod is a guide line, but until you get some pratical experience, I wouldn't deviate very far. The 3/4 designation refers to taper and weight, either 3DT or 4WF, since DT loads more than WF when you cross that 30' front taper (to that point, its more-or-less equal).

The weight of the line really dictates the effective deliverability of your fly. A 3wt is considered specialist, a 4wt is considered on the light side of normal use.

That said, my suggestion is buy a 4DT line. It'll last longer, and its practically the same thing for the sort of fishing most people do with a 4wt, which is generally not much beyond 30', if that.

I've had lines in every colour out there, I don't really think it makes that much difference, to be honest. The orange line I started with always struck me as easy to see, but not as obnoxious as the flourescent yellow that I often see lines come in, too. But, it doesn't really matter. Buy what meets your budget.
I think a DT4wt would probably be best as well.
Go with the 4 wt. Oil Creek is a large stream in the State Park (for those that haven't fished it, it's roughly the size of Penns). The ideal rod for Oil would be a 5 or even a 6 wt.

Don't get me wrong, your 4 wt is fine, but I'd go with the 4 over the 3. Makes longer casts a bit easier, which are needed there.
what pacray said ... 4wt would be better but a 5wt would be even better yet and def. wt forward also. gets windy and its bigger water