Proof if you fly fish you are more intelligent



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I like your thread title better than afish :-D 's
Well, maybe.... What about when you're stalking what you know is a big trout? What about when you're playing a big trout, one you really want to catch and release? What about when you lose a desired trout?

Maybe it's just me, but in those situations, my heart is pounding, and I'm sure my medicated blood pressure is up.

I think Marinaro said that fly-fishing is a constant state of excitement (probably not his exact words).

If I didn't get excited, I think I would take up something else.
Pleasurable excitement is probably a different physiological response than stress. The two are not equivalent. Playing a large trout is not stressful. Losing it may be so. But as Walton said, you cannot lose what you never had.
I dunno. We big brained humans are all standing around in water up to our butts with generally $1,000 bucks worth of equipment at the ready all in hopes to catch a creature with the brain the size of a rice crispy. Not sure who's smarter but I'll be out fishing (notice I said "fishing" not "catching") just as soon as I can. Then again come to think of it, we dry fly snobs are smarter than most. LOL That's a joke folks, don't get bent outta shape.
The article doesn't say anything about flyfishers being more intelligent.

For those who care about such details. ;-)
I think it's like "Groundhog Day". I swear a "Harvard Study Says Fly Fishing..." thread gets posted once every year or so.

Does that mean fly fishers have underdeveloped limbic systems?
Brokaw had you by 9 minutes
troutbert wrote:
The article doesn't say anything about flyfishers being more intelligent.

For those who care about such details. ;-)

Why are you ruining my fun with details????
I'd let my wife read this, but she's too smart. If the article is true, then we can all get the same effects from more "quotidian" (sorry, my English degrees rear their heads at times) things like washing dishes by hand. Sound of running water, backyard bird feeder out the window, and the meditative, repetitive act of scrubbing pots and pans. Raking leaves would work too :hammer:
Nymph-wristed wrote:
I'd let my wife read this, but she's too smart. If the article is true, then we can all get the same effects from more "quotidian" (sorry, my English degrees rear their heads at times) things like washing dishes by hand. Sound of running water, backyard bird feeder out the window, and the meditative, repetitive act of scrubbing pots and pans. Raking leaves would work too :hammer:

"quotidian".....I looked it up! :-o

Thank God my wife doesn't read this forum!

Some things are better left unsaid! :roll:
BS. Anybody that pays some of these idiotic prices simply to claim fame to being a flyfisher can't be to schmucking fart. opposed to tourney bass anglers? We may be paying more than a typical truck chaser, but we sure aren't spending tens of thousands on everything EXCEPT the tackle to catch local bass (ie, boat and boating equipment)!

I don't normally look at such things, but I saw a fish finder for $ catch a bass. Seriously.

Disclaimer: I enjoy catching all fish, even pan-fish. So, I am not looking down my nose at bass as a target species.
Don't know if I'm smarter. More engaged, no more alive, when I'm actively involved tying, fishing, reading, writing, researching, scouting .....