Project Healing Waters



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I had the chance to help at a PHW event yeaterday and it was a great experience. If you ever have the chance to help at one of these, do it. The smiles on the vets and their families is heart warming.
We did some casting and fly tying but the high light of the day was the fishing. For many of these guys, they never fished before and the smiles on their faces when the hooked a trout was ear to ear.
I a looking forward to the next outing. :)
I helped with an event for the first time last year and will be helping at the same event this year. It was awesome. The highlight was when the veteran I was guiding for landed a 27" rainbow that was quite a fight on the 5 wt. This organization is one of the better ones. They help to develop relationships and continuity. Whereas some of the other similar organizations do not. I have been looking forward to the upcoming event for the past 11 months.
For TU members that have not recently been active in your local chapter, please note that PATU is really seeking chapter to get involved with Vet Affairs and in most cases PHW. This is a very easy way to get involved.
jdaddy wrote:
For TU members that have not recently been active in your local chapter, please note that PATU is really seeking chapter to get involved with Vet Affairs and in most cases PHW. This is a very easy way to get involved.

Great point jdaddy.
I belong to TU but I help another chapter that held this event. It doesn't have to be your home chapter. :)
how do you even get involved? I belong to trout unlimited but would love to do a PhW. I know guys that have done it in other state just had know idea it was even around here. Someone pm with some details!
PM sent.
This is a great thread and a great program. I know a few people that this helped greatly.

Kudos to you.
Thanks for the pm....I really want to get involved in this...I do something close to it now but its not for wounded vets...its for there familys!
For those in the western part of the state there is a new chapter of PHW in Erie, PA that works out of the Erie Vets Hospital.

We are now having fly tying sessions at the VA on the fisrt Wednesday of every month, and at Gander Mountain in Erie on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.6pm.!/pages/Project-Healing-Waters-Erie-Pa/277963715565188

Not sure if this link is allowed here, if not please remove.

Next project going on this week.