Potter county first trip!



New member
Aug 11, 2013
Hello everyone !
Heading up to potter county for about three or four days depending on the weather this week (thurs-Saturday) and I have searched older threads and got some info but what more curious about what streams will be good up there this time of year? I'm gonna be staying in cross fork any advice would be greatly appreciated (hatches? Streams? Goto flies?) thanks !
the dcnr made a bunch of dams on kettle some years back on 144 that is some good fishing in there. lot of good pockets and holding water. was there this past weekend and caught a bunch of fish on emergers and zebra midges. also tossed a BWO and had a couple strikes an fish on but couldn't bring any to hand. the water is starting to heat up a little as well. water temps were upper 60s.
huntfish wrote:
the dcnr made a bunch of dams on kettle some years back on 144 that is some good fishing in there. lot of good pockets and holding water. was there this past weekend and caught a bunch of fish on emergers and zebra midges. also tossed a BWO and had a couple strikes an fish on but couldn't bring any to hand. the water is starting to heat up a little as well. water temps were upper 60s.

Dams? Where are they? The only dam I know of is Ole Bull Park.

With the warmer temps lately I would look at the smaller brook trout streams.
well they aren't really legit dams.....just built up rocks in the water for pocket water. they're on the left side of the road if you are passing ole bull heading to cross fork. about 3 or 4 minutes passed the FFO section.
They call those structures "rock cross vanes."

They do look a lot like low dams.

I agree about fishing the headwaters and smaller streams. The "big water" starts getting warm this time of year.

On Sunday I fished a well forested brookie stream in the NCPA region. In the upper end where I finished the day, the water was 56F late in the afternoon. That's a perfect water temp for brookie fishing.

On a warm day you can wet wade and the 56F water on your feet and ankles helps keep you cool.

If you're in Cross Fork, fish Cross Fork but do the sections that are upstream from where it flows into Kettle (the popular stretch in the lower half where the 'Potter County Shitter' and all that is-go above that!) There's a dirt road that follows Cross Fork (I forget the name), try some of those stretches. Any dry will work. Royal Wulff, Humpy, EHC.
Not to hijack the thread, but do people actually use the "Potter County Shitter?" That would be quite the awkward situation to be fishing and have to see someone on it... Lol
Hellz yeah they use it! Lift the seat up some time...
Thanks for the input everyone! What brookie streams would you guys recommend? Anything else?
If you're in Cross Fork, you have several options. The upper end of Cross Fork has a lot of brookies, any of the tribs to Cross Fork, Hammersley, etc. Stop in at Kettle Creek Tackle Shop right there in Hammersley Fork and they'll put you on the right path.