Pot calling the Kettle Black



Sep 13, 2006
As memory serves me, I remember someone named Lou M saying he was chased off Perkiomen Creek by an angry landowner when fishing there one day. Now my memory is a bit tainted and it may not have been lou M, but it was someone named Lou.
Stone_Fly wrote:
As memory serves me, I remember someone named Lou M saying he was chased off Perkiomen Creek by an angry landowner when fishing there one day. Now my memory is a bit tainted and it may not have been lou M, but it was someone named Lou.

I remember the events you are talking about, because I was quite upset about it at the time and remain so.

Lou M was not exactly fishing and he wasn't trespassing (I don't believe), so your recollection is a bit flawed. If we are both thinking of the same arguements, I don't think the incident fits. So I don't see the value of bringing it up again.

Stonefly: I don't know who you are where you are from or what you are trying to prove.
My son and I were fishing in a PUBLIC Park,when a women got out of her car and gave us a rash of crap about people trespassing and fishing on her neighbors property, NOT HERS. We were gentlemen about it and just left and went elsewhere. IN the future get your facts straight before you put your foot in your mouth again,or post erronious information about people .
Well it happens that I know that park very well and the boundaries are sketchy at best, I also know every landowner along that stretch of the stream, and I know they don't just tell people to leave for know reason, so it is very similar to the situation on that Bucks County Stream. Everything on the Perky is private property, except for a very short section of township owned land. There are sections there that in the past were open to fishing but are not now, like the property immediately above the park.
Funny that I should remember your post a little differently. I also remember that someone asked exactly where you were fishing, and didn't get an answer.
I've worked with those landowners for years getting access and doing streamwork, I was very interested in what happened, if there was a landowner problem.
The point is no matter where you think you are make sure of the access.
Stonefly; I also know that area , to repeat we were in the park, not trespassing above or below it. So your off base with your bad memory and distorted view.