Posting signature photo



New member
Apr 16, 2012
Can somebody help me figure out how to post a signature photo for my profile, I explored everthing and don t see any links to download it. A little help for us technically challenged . thanks in advance.
On right side, under main menu, click user profile. Buttons at the top, click avatar. Browse for your photo and upload. Done.

Max file size 350k (150x150). Probably going to have to resize the photo first.
If you mean avatar (the little pic below your user name), the follow Pcrays advice.

If you mean a signature line photo, just copy the URL of the hosting site into the signature line. If you don;t have a hosting site for photos, upload it to the site and open it, copy the url at the top of the page and paste it into the sig line in your profile.

If you have a hosting site there should not be any size restrictions, otherwise you are confined to the upload restrictions of PAFF for the photo page. Match or lessen the photo size and have at it.
Well, if you mean a true SIGNATURE LINE photo, please be courteous and keep it on the thin side. A huge photo as a signature line will surely annoy most of us. Until recently, I had one, but it was only about 30 pixels high and while it may have annoyed a few people, it was not very obtrusive.