Posting Photos



New member
Aug 9, 2007
Hey Guys,

I'm curious.....I frequent some other forums where photos are posted regularly and it doesn't seem that many post pics here. It does seem a little more difficult on this forum and perhaps that is why.

My question is, for those of you who do post photos, what is the best way you have found to do so? Are you using something like photobucket to host your photos and then you post a link?

Just curious.....I like to see photos of others gives me something to drool on.. :-D

If its on your computer, you can upload it neeed to have it anywhere else...very simple. Look for the little "attach file" browser at the bottom of the reply box.
I think the problem is my file sizes....I have to resize everything to a smaller file size than I currently have.

I gave it a shot on a smaller cropped photo, hopefully it works.
In the "stream reports" section, I am not able to upload photos so I link to photos on photobucket there. On the other sub-forums, I think the upload should work (perhaps subject to file size constraints).
I never knew how to do it either
Sounds like more struggle with this than find it easy? Hopefully I will get better at doing it quickly.
The truth is it is not complicated. Here are your options:

Option 1.

Use the site's server to store and display the picture at the end of your post by uploading it using the push-button attach file feature below the message entry screen:
(a) have the image on your computer sized less than 1 MB in gif or jpeg format;
(b) use the browse button to locate the picture and select it so that the path to its location on your computer shows up in the box to the left of the BROWSE button; then
(c) select upload, wait a brief moment and your picture will be added to your message as an attachment. When you submit the entire message, the photo displays at the end of your message.

Option 1 advantages:
-- no need to find a server on the web to host your files.

Option 1 drawbacks:
-- images must be resized (file size, not dimensions);
-- images are displayed small and reader must click picture to get full-sized image to show;
-- image is placed at end of text message, so you can't provide individual caption in between the pictures

Option 2.

Use your own server space or something like photobucket of any other number of free servers to host the image.

(a) Get the image url from the location it is hosted;
(b) use the IMAGE FEATURE represented by an icon that looks like a small portrait (it's the third icon in the series of icons that appear just to the right of the word MESSAGE and just above the text features of SIZE FONT and COLOR;

Option 2 advantages:
-- image can be placed within the text with text below it, making it easier to captiuon multiple photos;
-- image can be larger (in dimension) when initially displayed with message box;
-- image can be any file size, which I thing means you can use bitmap format.

Option 2 drawbacks:
-- You have to host the photo yourself as noted in the instructions.

Option 3 (c) Jack M. "1001 Ways To Skin A Cat," Chapter 323

(a) Go to the photo page and upload your pictures;
(b) wait for the pictures to be admitted and displayed in the photo gallery;
(c) once they are displayed, select the photo and discover its url by right-clicking and selecting properties;
(d) copy the url to your clipboard or a temporary document processor, then use it to carry out the procedure for Option 2.

Option 3 advantages:
-- same as Option 1 advantages;
-- plus Option 2 advantages
-- less Option 1 drawbacks;
-- also less Option 2 drawbacks.

Option 3 drawbacks:
-- you have to wait for the photos to be admitted to the gallery.

Hope this is of some help.