possible threat to the Logan branch?



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
Investors buy Cerro Metals site

The newly named Titan Energy Park will be marketed primarily but not exclusively to the natural gas industry and its booming activity in the Marcellus Shale, said Eddie Lauth, CEO of State College-based Shaner Capital LP, which is owned by Lance Shaner, also the chairman of the board of Rex Energy, an oil and gas production company.

“It’s got lots of space, rail siding, a waste energy plant, a sewage treatment plant, and an abundance of spring water,” Lauth said. “We think it’s a very unique site and a great opportunity for investors to create jobs in the area.”

Read more here: http://www.centredaily.com/2012/02/15/3090819/investors-buy-cerro-metals-site.html#storylink=cpy


For those of you who are not familiar with it, the LB is one of the two main sources of cold spring water feeding Spring creek. It is the main reason Spring is fishable all year long (especially during summer heat) below bellefonte.
I would hate to see anything happen to that watershed. It is a pretty special place.
Thanks for the heads-up on this. Please keep us informed.
Yes, thanks for the heads up. Note that the newspaper article doesn't mention the conservation issues at all.

Anyone have any suggestions about what to do about it?
got any money? just buy it out from under them. failing that, not much else you can do. seems anything related to MS drilling gets the go-ahead now.
write John Arway, PFBC, voicing our concerns at this site

be on the look out for the closing of the water monitoring stations along Spring creek. They can be used to estimate water withdraws and discharge. Spring has two monitoring stations above Logan Branch and two below (well one's on the bald eagle just downstream of where Spring meets it). Unexpected changes in the differential in flows above and below LB would suggest unusual withdraws or discharges. Such activity might initiate an investigators
Does Bellefonte draw public water from SC?
No. They directly draw if from Big Spring (before it eneters SC)
IMHO, The biggest threat to Logan Branch are the quaarries and the Hatchery.
Here's an update

An advert was in the local paper today too!

from the site
" Currently over 20 Million gallons of spring water course through the site daily providing for a wide variety of use. "