Portage Creek



New member
Apr 30, 2020
Heading up north for the weekend I always run past portage creek however, I never give it any time due to a lot of the private property. I am not shy of asking landowners which I I already plan on asking a few. just curious if anyone has been up that way And if the land owners are friendly.
Are you talking about the Portage creek that runs between Emporium and Sizerville park in Cameron county? I think there are several others around the state.

I've never tried it. But have fished Cowley run, that runs into it from the park. And Driftwood branch.

Anyhow, about 10 years ago, a train derailed up there - spilling something very toxic into Portage creek (can't recall what it was now).
And it killed everything in it and Driftwod branch.

Haven't been up there lately.
But it's likely recovered by now
Yea exactly that’s the one.

Thank you!