Poisoning Dimock, PA



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
This lawsuit has been known for a while, but less well known was the spreading of frack water on local roads, in a rainy year, no less.

wow, just think of all the things that go on that we DON'T know of. scary, very scary. just wait till the other 8000 permits are approved.
Also making claims they just dumped frac fluid in fields. Wonderful.
mmm, bet that sweet corn is yummy!!! probably glows in the dark!
one word sums up these people, IDIOTS. maybe two words, GREEDY IDIOTS
They think we're pretty stupid I guess. If they mess up a few more times nobody will trust these guys anymore. And looking at these incidents, why should anyone.

"You can fool some of the people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time."

-Get up, stand up!
This article from a TV reporter is a good follow-up to the Dimock link posted earlier.

Investigations: Gas drilling and drinking water. There is also a video from Dimock to go along with it.

IF I lived in that town I'd probably be in jail by now, and some gas company execs might be dead. maybe some good old wild west cowboy thinking is what we need. some might call it terrorism, but in my book, so does ruining someone's drinking water supply for profit.
and if I were those people I'd hang my local elected officials up by their you know whats, clean water should be a basic right of life, not money.
bikerfish ,

Why do we need clean drinking water at our homes when we can suck someone else's spring dry and transport it great distances to be consumed from a bottle at a buck-fifty a pint?

Oh, and let's make lot's of nice plastic bottles for the water, too. Maybe, we can make them out of corn instead of oil. That's SO much better.

Thanks to great marketing and general ignorance, this all seems great to the average person.

This is all so screwed up: greed at the gas wells, greed at the water bottling plants, greed in Harrisburg & Washington.

Oh, and keep the voters in the dark. Win their minds and hears with great marketing and keep them pacified with entertainment.

Seriously, that anyone thinks any of this is OK blows my mind. If ignorance is bliss, there are a whole lot of happy people in this country.

Did anyone see Thank You for Smoking? It may be a slightly paranoid take on this kind of marketing, but I bet it's not far off the mark.

We rely upon the government to regulate and oversee large corporations so they don't take advantage of us. How can our elected officials be trusted to do that when their campaigns are largely funded by these same corporations? It's an inherent conflict of interests.

This is not just about gas wells and bottling plants. It's an inherent flaw in our system We need campaign finance reform, term limits and a general overall of the election process.

The wisdom of our founding fathers is lost when we have nearly unlimited campaign funds for a few candidates and there is no dialog, only one way sound bites.

This is not how America is supposed to work.
You are on the mark FlySwatter. Greed and lobbiest run this country anymore. It is amazing how many people believe that the news cast and so called talking heads are speaking for them. They are all special interest front people.
They treat us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark and feed us sh--.
bikerfish........if it wasn't for terrorism we probably wouldn't be here , look at what we did to the folks who used to live here , how many native american neighbors do you have? We taught the world how to be terrorists perfected.
osprey, very true!!